Sponsoring a child in another country is one of the easiest and most tangible ways we can be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world. As I have stated often, nearly half the world exists on less than $2 a day. That’s three billion people making approximately $730 per year. Can you imagine trying to buy groceries for a year on that kind of salary? How about healthcare, clothing or shelter? Most of the world cannot perceive our riches, and I suggest that we cannot fathom their poverty. We have been entrusted with great wealth in order that we might use it to care for the hungry, the poor, and the sick (Luke 12:48).
I have sponsored children through Compassion International for over 25 years and can say they are one of the finest organizations with which I have ever had the pleasure of associating. They have a tremendous heart for ministry and impeccable integrity. I’ve heard their president, Wes Stafford, speak many times and the man’s heart bleeds with compassion for the children of this world. Sponsoring a child is both easy and rewarding. For only $38 per month, you can radically alter the life of a child. When you sponsor a child through Compassion, they receive food and clean water, medical care, an education, and life skills training. Most important of all, children sponsored through Compassion are taught about Jesus Christ. Many Compassion projects are located in countries where they would otherwise never have the opportunity to hear the gospel.
Child sponsorship not only changes the life of the child you sponsor, but has the potential to affect their entire village as brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers all hear the transforming message of love through Jesus Christ. Compassion doesn’t simply minister to the child but to the whole family as well. It’s easy to look at the problems in our world and think we can do nothing about it. Sponsoring a child is an opportunity to change the world for one person, and perhaps countless others through them. Instead of going to bed hungry tonight, you can put food in the belly of an innocent child. Because of your sponsorship, a child can drink clean, healthy water instead of the parasite-ridden muck to which they are accustomed. Your support provides an education they would otherwise never get, a fate that would continue the cycle of poverty in their family. All of this for only $38 per month!
When Jesus taught about the sheep and the goats, the distinction He made between the two was what they did and didn’t do. The sheep, the ones He welcomed into His presence, were the ones who fed the hungry, gave water to the thirsty, clothed the naked, and cared for the sick. The ones He sent away did not do these things. This is your opportunity to do the things Christ said His followers will do. It’s $38 per month; that’s it! You could come up with that amount by skipping the Starbucks run a couple of times a week. What price do you put on the life of a child? What price does Jesus put on that life? Christ died so that we might live. He gave everything for us. Can we not spare $38 each month?
Please consider sponsoring a child. It’s so easy. If you already sponsor a child, why not sponsor another? We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We can change the world, one child at a time. Reach out to a child in need. Your reward will be great. Click here to get started and sponsor a child today.