With just a little searching on the web, it doesn’t take long to notice one of the most common questions Christians are asking is, “What does God want me to do with my life?” We’ve covered this topic several times before, but still the questions around this continue to pile up. As a follower of Christ, you should absolutely know your purpose in life.

Jesus came to be a refuge for those flailing in the storms of life. He came to rescue the blind ones walking in the darkness of the world. It is our charge to continue His mission. We are to go into the world and be a refuge and a light for those in darkness and despair. That is your purpose and mine. Jesus is the light of the world, and we are His ambassadors.
Given that, I hope it is clear the Christian life should never be dull. We have the greatest reason for living of anyone on earth. Our entire reason for being is to bring healing, justice, and love to those who are most in need of these things. We are privileged to be the vessels Christ uses to bring good news to the hopeless, to restore sight to the blind, and give clear direction to the wayward and wandering. How’s that for a reason to get out of bed each morning?
Unfortunately, such a grand mission is not enough to satisfy many Christians. Instead of embracing our purpose and reaching out to those who need to know the truth God has revealed to us, we hide within our homes barricaded by the mountain of possessions with which we have surrounded ourselves. We revel in our comfort while the world lies slowly bleeding outside our door. Jesus said no one lights a candle and proceeds to immediately cover its light (Matthew 5:15); that would be pointless and stupid (okay, Jesus didn’t actually say it was stupid; He is far more tactful than me!). Yet this is exactly what we are doing. We possess the light of the world but we hide it from the darkness beyond our secure walls.
You know your purpose. You know the truth. The reason so many still delay and whine about not knowing God’s will for their life is because what they really want to know is, “How can I get the most out of life?” People who have been asking this question for years are more comfortable not knowing, because having the answer would demand they actually get out of their seat and do something for Jesus.
I probably stepped on some toes just now. I know because I was one of those Christians for more years than I care to admit. Instead of reading the Word and seeing what is so plainly there, I found it far easier to live like everyone else until some miraculous sign would come and change my life. That miracle has already arrived; He defeated death for you over 2,000 years ago. Now it is up to you and me to go and live our lives seeking to complete the mission He began. Stop asking what you should do with your life. You know your purpose. Now go live it out loud and rescue the world in the name and power of Jesus.