How do we keep things simple in an age of information overload? We need to focus on the basics and what is real. So, what do we know for certain? We know we have a sin problem. On our own, we can’t live up to God’s standard. He is holy; we are not. We know God sent His only Son to die in our place. Jesus paid the price for our sin. We know Christ will return one day and we will live in His presence forever.
There will be no more hurt, no more sickness, no more division, and no more pain. This is what is true. These are the things we know. Amid so much chaos and the deluge of information, both true and false, we must keep our focus on the truth of the gospel of Jesus and nowhere else.
We live in an age where information overload is simply a way of life. Our televisions, radios, computers, and cellphones feed a non-stop flow of images and words into our minds. Even our watches bombard us with a constant drip of reminders and news. None of us are immune. If you try to avoid the onslaught, friends and family will make certain you still hear more information than you can successfully navigate. All of this leads to anger, anxiety, and mental paralysis.
With all the noise swirling around us, finding time to sit quietly before the Lord and soak in His goodness becomes problematic. This should make us realize that information overload is a tool of the devil. As with most things, it’s not the technology that is evil, but Satan is a master of taking advantage of whatever is available and twisting it in evil ways to further his wicked plans. Recognizing information overload as a tool of Satan should give us all the motivation we need to reject it.
With all the information flowing towards us, no one can know when we’re being told the truth and when we’re being lied to. Each of us has our opinions, but the only fact we know for certain is that the only source of truth is Jesus. That’s why we should spend our time focused on Him, His mission, and His Word. Nothing else matters anyway. We’ve allowed ourselves to be duped into thinking we need all this information to make appropriate decisions in life. That is false. All we need is Jesus.
Before you find yourself overwhelmed by information overload, just stop. Remind yourself of what you know. Remember what is true in Jesus. Begin your day with Him and saturate yourself in His Word. Avoid information overload as long as you can each day. Instead of checking your phone first thing in the morning, open God’s Word instead. Fill your mind with His truth. Spend time in prayer before the chaos of the day intrudes and clutter your mind. And then, throughout your day, when you begin to feel discouraged, helpless, or anxious, think of Jesus. Overload your mind with His truth. Fill up on His love. Remember what you know. Everything else is useless noise.