I debated on writing a specific Christmas post this year. On the one hand, it’s what Christian bloggers are supposed to do; I’m pretty sure there’s a rule book somewhere that covers stuff like this. On the other hand, this blog is about living unconventionally in a way that flies in the face of the establishment. But when it comes down to it, the core of the message I write about is the amazing gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. This gift would have never occurred had it not first been for the birth of a Savior into our world; we would be lost without hope had God not sent His Son to be born as a baby over 2,000 years ago. There is no cross without the manger, no redemption without revelation.
So it seemed good to pause for a moment and consider the greatest gift ever given. I am not so arrogant and naïve to think that after all these centuries I have something new or unique to offer on this topic. What I do have is a platform from which I can remind myself and all who read this of the stunning and miraculous gift shared with us by the God of the Universe.
When was the last time you sat and simply reflected on the miracle of Christ’s birth? This wasn’t something that happened every day. In fact, it had never happened before and has never happened since. A virgin conceived a child. An ordinary human woman was implanted with the very seed of God. An ordinary human man was given the courage and love to withstand the shame this would have presented and to defend his wife-to-be against what had to be vicious and frequent slander.
The genealogy of Jesus is filled with murder, incest, adultery, and idol worship. In other words, God chose to present Jesus from a family line that looks pretty much like that of everyone else. He didn’t preserve an ultra-holy family from the beginning of time so that Jesus could inherit their purity. Instead, Jesus was born spotless in spite of the very sordid history of His family tree. More amazingly, He remained without sin His entire life. I don’t know about you, but to me that’s the biggest miracle of all. Jesus withstood every temptation of Satan, every opportunity to utilize the power at His command for self gain or pleasure and simply chose to walk in the ways of His Father. What a beautiful picture; what an amazing accomplishment.
Jesus was given to each of us as the ultimate gift. He was given so that we might understand how to live a life that is truly pleasing to God. He came to teach us, to heal us, and to show us the way that leads to life. Ultimately, He came to die. Imagine living with the knowledge that your whole purpose in life was to die for wicked and sinful men and women. We might be bitter, but Jesus was gentle. We might be tempted to live a little for ourselves from time to time, but Jesus focused only on serving others. If it were us, we might just be tempted to rebel against it all and reject our calling, but Jesus was faithful. Christmas is so much more than the birth of our Lord. It is the pivotal moment in the salvation of the world. It is not just the birth of a child, but the birth of our example, our redemption and our salvation. Don’t let this year pass without taking time to reflect on what this season means. May the love and grace of Jesus Christ permeate your being today and for the rest of your life; give thanks to the Lord, for He is so very good. Have a wonderfully thankful and merry Christmas.