The grace of God is a wonderful and utter mystery. Other than the gift of His Son, grace is perhaps the greatest gift given to us by God. Without grace, our sins would remain unforgiven. It is only by the grace of God we can approach Him in prayer. God’s grace did not come without a cost. Jesus bled and died, so we might experience the grace of God.
While His death was the ultimate expression of love, it was also the perfect picture of grace. Grace cost God giving up His Son. It cost Jesus His earthly life and pain we will never imagine. It was all for us. The greatest gift came at the greatest cost.
Fast-forward two thousand years. By all appearances, grace is now something we take for granted. We do not understand the cost. Because something is free, does not mean it is cheap. Never equate cheap with free. Always remember the price Jesus paid to pour God’s grace over humanity. Every time we sin, we must remember what our forgiveness cost.
Jesus died for every sin that day on the cross. This means every sin we commit is the one Jesus gave His life to forgive. Sin is a weighty thing, and we do a disservice to the holiness of God when we treat it as anything other than horrifying, treacherous, and the vilest thing we can imagine. We must see our sin as God sees it.
In a recent sermon, Pastor Tim Brock said, “Every time we minimize sin, we cheapen grace.” We live in a world where minimizing sin has become a competitive sport. God’s morality is tossed aside in favor of tolerance. This modern form of tolerance is tolerant of everything except the truth of God’s Word. Instead of standing on the only standard that will not falter, we give sway to public opinion that fits a narrative constructed by man. Put plainly, so-called followers of Jesus are choosing to live by the philosophies and opinions of man rather than the truth of the living God and His Word revealed through Jesus.
Grace cost Jesus His life and we cheapen that cost every time we claim sin is not so bad after all. We cheapen God’s grace every time we declare our ways are more loving and right than the very Word of God. The grace of God came at the highest cost to the holiest Being, and we spit on His sacrifice to promote our fallen ideologies and false gods of self-righteousness and self-enlightenment.
God’s grace is majestic and offers the only hope for a lost world dying in their sin and desperate for a Savior. It is only by God’s grace we can throw ourselves at the feet of Jesus, beg for His forgiveness, and proclaim Him as our Lord. There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. We have no hope in all the kingdoms of men or wonders of technology and science. In the end, the only thing that can save our souls from an eternal destiny in Hell is the matchless and amazing grace of God. Nothing in this world can or ever will save you. But God’s grace is sufficient for you. Only He can save (John 14:6).