I wrote recently about moving toward your goals. Hopefully by now you have written down some goals for yourself. If not, I’d encourage you to stop right now and write down three goals for yourself… just come back when you’re done, we’ll wait! Need some help? If you could change anything about your present life, what would it be? Write it down. What do you perceive to be the greatest weakness in your pursuit of following Jesus? Write this down as well. Finally, for what do you wish to be remembered? Again, write it down. You now have three very specific goals. Congratulations, you have done more to reach your goals than have 97% of Americans, simply because you wrote down your goals.
You’ve taken the all important first step to achieving your goals. Now for the hard part: you actually are going to have to do some work to accomplish them. The first thing is to break them down into manageable size chunks, small steps that are challenging but not so daunting that you are afraid to even attempt them. So if you could change anything about your present life, what would it be? Just pick one thing. What habit would you like to stop, or perhaps what is one habit you would like to have? Let’s work out a practical example. Perhaps you wanted to start each day by praying or reading your Bible or simply sitting in silence. What are some small steps you can begin doing to make this a reality? You could perhaps start by going to bed five minutes earlier each night, or getting up five minutes earlier each morning. Do this for a week, then tack on another five minutes until you are able to get up at the time you wish in order to be able to start your day communing with God. Getting up thirty minutes or an hour earlier than you do now is a daunting task, one that you will probably quit after a day or two (if not before you even begin). On the other hand, going to be five minutes early is pretty easy. Tackle your large goals by taking small steps.
By defining the person we want to be – in writing – we set ourselves up for success in becoming that person. Do something every day that moves you toward your goals, review them often. Put notes around your house that remind you of the person you are becoming. Don’t put up reminders that describe the person you want to be, display it as if it were already true. For example, don’t write “I wish I had the courage to serve God no matter what”. Rather write down “I serve God at any cost”. Place note cards throughout your home that will remind you who you are. This will help keep you motivated and ultimately see that your goals are indeed fulfilled. With New Year’s Day fast approaching, we don’t need any more resolutions. What we need instead is written down goals. The ultimate goal is to become the person we were created to be. Don’t rob the world of all you have to offer simply because you were too lazy to set goals for your life. You were created with purpose and for a purpose. Write down your goals, break them down into smaller pieces, and see your goals through. Realize the love God has for you and work in concert with Him to create the symphony of your life.