How hard are you working at your faith? Are you a lip-service Christian who professes to love Jesus with your speech but fail to back up that claim with any proof? The world around us is spiraling out of control and Western Christianity is not to be found. We stand mostly silent to the atrocities that are occurring on our watch. I am extremely thankful for the people and ministries that have broken out of the trance and are doing their work as the hands and feet of God. For the vast majority of Christians, however, the response is a deafening silence. We’re content to let others do the heavy lifting, convinced that somehow we just don’t feel “led” to participate in that way. I believe much of the rhetoric of “not feeling led is synonymous with “feeling fearful”.
There is no fear in Jesus; neither should there be any fear found in the body of believers who love and trust Him. Many wait to “feel led” or find their “calling” before they will surrender everything to Christ. The fact of the matter is if you choose to follow Christ, you will automatically be led to all the places He goes. By definition, if you are following then you are already being led. To follow Jesus is to be led by Him. When faced with a decision, ask yourself, “Would Jesus go there?” If the answer is ‘yes’, then you are being led there as well. It’s not a matter of whether or not you feel led, because if you are following Christ, you are always being led. It’s really a simple matter of whether or not you will choose to follow.
What about your “calling”? What if you are not yet certain what your calling even is? I have good news; you have already received your calling. As Jesus explained in Matthew 25:31-46, you are called to feed the hungry, care for the sick, clothe those in need, and to shelter the poor. This is the calling of everyone who chooses a life of following Christ. In the modern era, people have come to equate their vocation with their calling. Jesus doesn’t call you to be, for example, a doctor; He calls you to serve. If by becoming a doctor you use your skills to care for the sick, then your vocation is one that can be utilized to live out your calling. Your calling, again, is to serve; whether you render that service as a doctor, a farmer, a janitor or a CEO is irrelevant. Your vocation is simply a means of accomplishing what you are called to do. Do whatever you wish for a vocation as long as it enables you to fulfill your calling to love and serve others.
Do not wait to be led or to be called before surrendering your life completely to God. You are already both led and called. We simply must humbly submit every area of our lives to Him. Then we must follow wherever He leads, and do so without fear or question. Every day of our life must be spent in service to others. Live your life constantly seeking someone whom you might help. Sacrifice that with which you have been blessed in order to give to others. Feed the poor; clothe those in need; give a drink to those who thirst. Your faith in Jesus must never be a spectator sport; it requires work.