The mission of Christ did not end when Christ was crucified. It did not end when He rose from the grave. The mission did not end when He ascended into Heaven. In fact, these events were merely the culmination of the kick off! The mission of Jesus will be completed when His kingdom is on earth as it is in Heaven. And so it continues.
The modern evangelical church has lulled us into the belief that Christianity can be boiled down to attending a service on Sundays, putting the appropriate amount of money into the plate and telling someone about Jesus every now and then. The “super Christians” even live by an unusually high moral code and spend a seemingly inordinate amount of time in prayer. The more I study and learn, the more I ask myself, “What Bible are they reading anyway?” Jesus did not come to establish a glorified social club, a place we could go to make us feel better about ourselves or simply to be entertained. This was not, and is not, the mission of Jesus Christ. Do any of us really believe that Jesus endured what He did in order that we might pursue lives of comfort and affluence?
Look around you; is the world beginning to look like the Kingdom of God here on earth? Does it look more like the Kingdom today than it did 10 years ago? The answer to both questions is an obvious and resounding, “No!” So if the mission of Christ is for His kingdom to be at home on earth, why is it that we are continually moving ever further from that goal? The uncomfortable answer is that we have become satisfied with the comforts and conveniences of a world ruled by Satan. We are residing in the camp of the enemy, and we like it. What other conclusion may one draw?
As long as there are starving children, as long as there are those without a home, as long as selfishness and greed run rampant through our streets, the mission of Christ is not yet complete. We have chosen to be followers of Jesus. This is a volunteer role, one we have accepted by choice and are free to reject at any time. I pray that you hold fast to your decision and will choose to not just follow Him at a distance, but to run alongside of Jesus as you carry out His mission. If we would remain His followers, then His path is our path. His mission is our mission.
Wake from the slumber into which we’ve been lulled. Cast off the chains that keep us beholden to the comforts of society. Pray ferocious prayers that the will of God will indeed be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Take action whenever and however you can to see that the hungry are fed, the needy are clothed and the homeless are sheltered. Give all that you have so that others may in turn experience the freedom, the joy and the ecstasy of the love of Jesus. This is the mission to which we have all been called. This is the purpose and the meaning of life. On this day, at this moment, how will you respond?