What am I missing? In my pursuit of Jesus, what have I overlooked? Where are my blind spots? I think these are all fair questions to reflect on as we strive to live a life of service to our Lord. I certainly have no corner on the truth and I obviously do not have all the answers. That’s why I believe it is important to occasionally examine how we’re living and reevaluate if there is more we could be doing to reflect the love of Jesus to our world. We need the input of fellow traveler’s and eagerly accept course corrections when they are pointed out to us, as we seek His kingdom in everything we do.
Nothing is so clarifying as the Bible. One of my favorite mysteries in life is how I can read a passage I’ve read a hundred times before and somehow gain brand new insight. Examining the life of Christ helps me understand the ways I need to respond in various situations. Both the Old and New Testaments provide instruction on properly molding my attitudes towards others and give wisdom in dealing with everyday life. There is no substitute for reading the Word of God. This is our primary reference point for how to live and serve. By consistently immersing ourselves in Scripture, we will be constantly reminded how we can best serve those in need and bring glory to Christ.
Make a habit of reading books by authors who have studied the Word and have fresh insights to offer. If you aren’t a reader, listen to audio books. God has not stopped speaking through willing servants, and He inspires them to teach truth to the rest of the body. Prayerfully consider what you read and always check what you learn against Scripture. Someone else may look at a Bible passage from an entirely different perspective and allow you to learn many new things from their viewpoint. We all learn from each other in community; this is one of the purposes of the Church. God is a relational being and we are created in His image; therefore it is important to associate with other believers, both in person and vicariously through the writing of others.
Finally, we can learn much from gathering with our Christian brothers and sisters. As you gather together at your regular fellowship, glean all you can from the message that is presented. Drink deeply of any worship that you engage in as a body. These are rich times that we are privileged to freely enjoy in the Western world, and we must not take them for granted. Beyond the time spent at your weekly worship service, find friends who will join you on your journey. Nothing beats face to face interaction, but even friends made online can be very beneficial to helping you stay on track as you seek to serve Christ. Find an accountability partner, someone who will watch your life as you watch theirs. Agree to regular meetings or phone calls to check in with each other’s progress. I have found this one discipline can to lead to amazing growth.
Recognizing that we never know it all allows us to guiltlessly seek the help of others. Don’t neglect the resources with which God has blessed you. We are blessed to live in a country that affords us many ways to further learn about God; utilize all that you can. Study the Bible, read inspirational books that instruct you in the ways of Christ, and get involved with a group of people who are equally committed to living lives that look like Jesus. Reflect often on where you may be falling short and perhaps giving Satan an opportunity to attack. Doing these things will reveal your current blind spots and prevent new ones from forming in the future.