I have a strange dichotomy; I am a big proponent of small groups within churches, yet I have never found one where I fit in. Perhaps you struggle in the same way. Here’s my problem with the small groups in which I have been a part: they always seem to morph into glorified social cliques over time, with little to no movement towards doing the things that carry out the mission of Christ. It’s good to get together and fellowship with each other, it’s good to study the Bible, and it’s good to break out of the anonymity of the larger congregation to share our lives with a few others. But if all we are doing is a mini version of our Sunday church – without doing the work of the church – then I submit that there is little value in continuing the practice.
So I find myself, in the midst of the dilemma of wanting to experience the accountability of a small group but frustrated with the lack of commitment I have found in these groups. I know of some groups that are truly living out the Gospel and have heavily invested in one another and their neighborhoods to spread the love and hope of Jesus Christ. These groups really get it. They aren’t coming together simply to socialize, but rather to mobilize. This, in my mind, is the future of the church. We need boots on the ground, not just pants in the pews. We need people who will put their faith where their mouth is and go and be the kingdom to a dark and desperate world.
I’d like to hang a sign where the entire world can see it, so I figure here on the internet is as good of a place as any:
Followers of Jesus who are willing to forsake their homes, their families, their security in life to go into their neighborhoods, cities and all the world proclaiming and demonstrating the love of Jesus; men and women who will live out the commission of Christ to feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, care for the homeless, the sick, the orphan and the widow and to visit and free those in chains.
If this is you, join me in carrying on the mission of Jesus throughout our world for His glory and His honor alone.
I’d love to start a “virtual small group” with any who are of like mind. I don’t know exactly what it would look like, but I know that we could come together from all around the world and covenant with one another to be change agents in our communities for the sake of Jesus Christ. We have the tools and technology to gather together from all corners of the earth to pray, fellowship and encourage each other to live out the mission given to us by Jesus. We can help one another be the person God created us to be.
On the flip side, here’s what I’m not looking for: Christians who are content to go to church on Sunday while pursuing a materialistic version of Christianity during the week. I’m not interested in those who would hesitate to leave behind their earthly possessions and perceived safety. In short, I don’t want to be in a group with others who are anything but 100% sold out to the mission of Christ in their life. I’m not looking for perfect people or else I’d be the first man out. We all mess up, fall down and struggle to live a life that looks like Jesus. I simply want to associate with those who refuse to stop striving.
This is a little bit different kind of post for me, but I am serious in wanting to form a band of believers who are willing to come together for the glory of God. We’ll figure the rest out as we go. So I have one question for you today: “Are you in?” Leave a comment below or drop me a note at tim@evenifiwalkalone.com. Let me know if you want to be part of living life to the fullest and impacting the world for Jesus.