Do you ever feel lost, depressed, and unsure of your next move? In Western culture our lives have become insanely busy leaving little to no margin and literally no room for rest. When we aren’t busy we tend to make ourselves busy doing something. Often we become so stressed out that our couch becomes a welcome retreat. Mindless channel and web surfing consumes the few uncommitted moments of our days. In the midst of all this one has to wonder where the victorious life is that was promised by Jesus. Where is the peace, the joy, the rest, and the comfort?
When our thoughts are consumed with finding peace and our days are spent seeking margin, we have lost sight of our mission. We have lost our way. This happens whenever we take our eyes off of Jesus. The moment we look away from Him we are consumed by the cares of the world. Like a rushing flood, the world’s answers to what we should be pursuing wash over us. We are consumed and quickly face the reality of drowning. The world tells us we have to run faster, work harder, look better, and earn more. It tells us the exact opposite of what we know to be true in Christ.
Thus, we spiral downward, desperately clutching for anything solid to grab. Our minds scream from within, imploring us to slow it all down. Anxiety builds until we can barely muster a coherent thought much less a cohesive plan. We know it’s not supposed to be this way. When we gave our lives to Jesus we thought everything would change, but if anything they’ve gotten worse. Where was He in all this mess anyway? Wasn’t God supposed to be our shelter in the storm?
And then it hits you. You committed to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. You said He would be the Lord and director of your life. But then you failed to change. Somewhere after that initial commitment, you slipped back into your old habits and refurbished your lifestyle to match that of the culture. You redefined your priorities around success, comfort, and entertainment. All the while Jesus waited patiently for you to follow, tears gently streaming down His perfect cheeks. When we pause and see the tears we understand that we have lied to the One who gave everything on our behalf. We recognize we have betrayed our Creator, the very One who loves us beyond all comprehension.
Defeat, depression, and delusion are all symptoms of looking after our own affairs rather than the mission of Christ. Satisfaction will never be found outside of following in His footsteps. Rest will never be achieved chasing after the things of this world. Our hope is in Christ alone. Our peace, joy, and rest are found nowhere other than in working for Him. If you feel unbalanced or unsure, check your focus. Are you still walking directly behind Jesus? Are you consumed with using your talents and passions to further His mission? Are you reflecting His love onto those around you? If you want to find peace and happiness, look no further than Jesus. He is everything for which you are searching.