Life is full of the unexpected. We plan our lives in one direction when out of the blue everything changes. We can’t control every circumstance around us. Our own lack of discipline leaves us open to failures we would have never imagined. Dreams die, hopes are dashed, and everything we once had figured out no longer makes sense. Such is the plight of practically every soul who has ever walked our planet. Somewhere along the line, despite our best intentions, our plans go awry. These are the moments that prove whether or not Christ is truly the Lord of our lives.
It’s so easy to get lost in our own problems and lose track of our higher calling and purpose. When things begin to crumble around us, we instinctively focus only on the here and now instead of the life to which we have been called. It’s hard to see the shoreline when battling the raging waves of a storm. There is never a time when we don’t need Jesus, but we never need Him more than in the midst of severe trials. Ironically, the times we most need to keep our eyes on Him are the very moments we deliberately try taking matters into our own hands.
When the going gets tough, some are quick to blame God and question where He is in their struggle. They ask why He isn’t showing up to rescue them from their despair. Instead of looking directly into the eyes of our Savior, we instead look to everything around us as a way out. We look to others for assistance, hope that money can bail us out, or try to somehow alter the circumstances in which we find ourselves. When the storm howls loudly within our ears it is easy to lose sight of the fact that God is as close then as He always has been. He is walking through the madness with us, offering a steady hand and a comforting love.
When the storms roll into your life, you will have the choice of staying focused on the mission He has given you or falling away to serve another master and walk a different road. God has uniquely gifted you to play a vital role in bringing His Kingdom to fruition on earth. Everything we do should further that goal. When we are tested, we will be tempted to take our eyes off of our Lord and pledge allegiance to another. This is a mistake of drastic proportions. In the middle of the storm, find a quiet place to hide. Recalibrate your thoughts toward your mission. Focus on Christ.
When life begins swirling out of control, don’t lose your true north. Remember for whom you are living and everything Jesus has done for you. Don’t let your circumstances dictate your direction. Ignore everything else competing for your attention and follow Jesus at any cost. He is the way out. He is the solution. He will direct your paths and lead you home.