Do you see the light? It’s shining all around you. If Christ lives inside of you, the brilliance of His glory cannot help but seep through every inch of your being. When we commit our lives to Him and surrender all we are to His will, we begin to be consumed by the beauty of His love. We cannot help but shine and reflect His hope to everyone with whom we come into contact. This is what it means to be immersed in His Spirit and this life is available to every disciple of Jesus Christ. Are you realizing this possibility in your life?
It is this very light that attracts others to Christ through our witness. If we don’t reflect Him into the dark places of our lives and our world, then no one will see their need for a Savior. No one will be compelled to discover what we have found. Therefore it is our responsibility to bathe within this love in order that we might express it to all those in need. What stops us from living in this manner? Knowing it is possible, why do we then spend our lives mired in defeat, dimly reflecting any signs of hope?
Jesus said that He came to give us an abundant life (John 10:10). Abundant means plentiful, well-supplied, and overly sufficient. Do you feel like these words define your own life? If not, what keeps you from claiming the promise Jesus made? I submit that the reason we don’t reflect the love of Jesus or realize His blessings in our lives is because we are mired in selfishness. We are so busy seeking after our own welfare, pleasure, and comfort that we do not notice those whom we should be serving. We are the hands and feet of Jesus, but we never lift a finger to help someone in need or take a step in the shoes of another.
Until we begin to fulfill our part in the mission of Christ we will continue to lead lives of quiet desperation. We will remain ignorant to our calling because we have forsaken our purpose. God is a god of justice, love, and mercy. How many hours over the past week did you spend seeking justice, showing love, or giving mercy? When our values do not align with His attributes we become frustrated, desperate, and lonely. Only when we are pursuing the mission of Jesus will we ever feel or become whole.
We live in a world that desires to snuff out our light. They want to ignore the radiance displayed by works of Jesus. Darkness hates the light; depravity eschews love. The light within us reveals that which the world desires to remain hidden. We were made to shine. We were created to glorify God. As we live humble lives devoted and surrendered to Him, our lives will shine in ways we never dreamed imaginable. The closer we walk, the brighter we shine. Through that light, many who are trapped in darkness will come to believe and be saved.