Each of us is responsible for what we put into and get out of a day. Circumstances will threaten our path and sway our courage. No one is required to lend a hand when we are in need. Comfort and success are elusive friends and we are more likely to encounter loneliness and defeat. Life in a fallen world is bitter, hard, and cold. Yet the potential for the fantastic and nearly unthinkable lurk within the shadows of each morning. It is up to us to decide whether or not to bring such possibilities to life or let them fade with the morning dew.
The blood of Jesus can wash away the grime of the hardest day. The light of His love can illuminate the darkest haunt. When we allow Him to live through us the world is turned upside down. It is not enough to ask Him to live in us; we must desperately ache for Him to live through us. This is the way we will change the world, and it is the only way to navigate the tumultuous story in which we find ourselves. Without Jesus we are doomed to sail aimlessly in an ocean of mediocrity. Who wants to live like that?
No, we are responsible for attacking each day with fervor in the name of Jesus and for the purpose of furthering His Kingdom. Before us is the prospect of glorifying His name in everything we do. Instead of a directionless life, we can boldly declare His love, mercy, and grace to everyone we encounter. Our lives can mean something. We have so great an opening to find significance, yet most will never seize it. A treasure lies hidden within us and is yearning to be released (2 Corinthians 4:7-9). We must not squander this chance.
Yesterday is gone forever, and tomorrow will bring a fresh set of challenges and worries. All we can affect is this day, this hour, this moment. We stand at the doorway of possibility, right on the edge of greatness. Today is our opportunity to become the person God so uniquely created us to be. No minute can be regained; what you do with this moment in time can only be decided right now. Each of those decisions makes up your day. Each choice determines whether your time is wasted or used for His mission and His glory.
What will be the measure of your day? Will you passively watch the world go by wishing you were actively involved? Perhaps you will waste it mired in regret and self-pity. Or maybe, just maybe, you will choose to follow the example of Jesus and live each moment with passion and purpose. The measure of your life will be the sum of your days. When your time on earth is done, what will you have added up? Don’t waste your life waiting for things to be easier. Instead, determine to get better, to become more devoted, and to learn how to live as a true disciple of Jesus Christ. That will be a day well spent and a life lived well.