How often do we take the time to ponder the enormity that is the love of God? If you are like me, this is not something you consider regularly. Yet everything we believe, everything for which we live, hinges on the unsurpassing, indescribable, immeasurable love of God. Without love there is no Jesus. Without Jesus, there is no sacrifice for sins. And without His sacrifice, there is no hope for humanity. All creation, all thought, all meaning, derives from the love of God. His love is so big, so utterly amazing, that we can scarcely comprehend its magnitude.
Our very existence is the result of God’s love. We were created for His pleasure. The God of the universe desired to create beings on which He could dote, with whom He could live in relationship. We were created to live eternally in His presence, collaborating with Him to write history. Out of love for Him, we were designed to bring Him glory, honor, and praise. We were made to overflow with the love He instilled within each of us. Created in His image, we cannot help but reflect His love as long as we are gazing upon His unspeakable beauty.
Through love, God ransomed us from our life of decay and sin. By sending His Son, He lovingly freed us from lives of dark slavery. Condemned by sin, love threw off the chains and bathed us in the glorious light of God. We were renewed, able to once again feel and reflect the love of our Father. Jesus shed His blood in the name of love. He cared so deeply for our restoration that He found no price too high to pay. He sacrificed His glory, His kingship, and His very life. And He did it all out of an intensely burning love for you and for me.
Love heals all wounds; it rights all wrongs. Love conquers all fears, and casts aside all doubt and insecurity. The love of God is unlimited and unending. We cannot over-consume it. We cannot give too much of it away. Not one human is exempt from the love of God. He gives freely and equally to all. We need only open our hearts and receive it. There is no one on earth who is unloved. He cares for all of His creation, and His pursuit of us is never ending. His love is unrelenting; His desire to share it is unquenchable.
Consider the love of God. Consider His love for you. Praise Him for such love. Praise Him for His creation, and praise Him for the cross. Bring glory to God in everything you do and say. Accept His love without obligation, and return it because it’s all we can do. Thank Him for shedding his blood so that we might live. Thank Him for pursuing you. Quiet your mind. Spend a moment in silence and consider His majesty. Consider how great the love is that God continually has for every one of us.