When we choose to follow Christ, we agree to surrender everything to Him. We, in effect, become His slave or His prisoner. This is not a negative, not slavery in the traditional sense, but it does mean that every move we make is now dedicated to God. We were given the gift of freewill at creation; when we make the decision to follow Jesus we are giving that freewill back to Him and letting Him know that we willingly submit to His plans and His desires for our lives. From this point forward everything we do will be a result of His will. We are captivated by His love, indeed captive to His love. It is in this way that we become His prisoner.
What does it mean to live worthy of His call on our lives? It means to live each day in His presence, doing the things He told us to do, becoming the person He created us to be. When you are using the gifts He gave you for the purpose you were created, you are fulfilling your calling. You are living life to its fullest. Living a life worthy of your calling means you have surrendered everything to Him. You are experiencing His joy and His power in your life. This can only happen when you let go of your own desires, and seek to please Him only.
When my time comes to see Jesus, I can think of nothing better than to have Him tell me that I lived worthy of my calling. How absolutely incredible would that be? It’s up to you and me. We can live that life if we want to. All of God’s power has been put at our disposal. Why are we so afraid to make use of it? Dichotomy has marked my life, and this is the granddaddy of them all. We surrender everything we are to Him, and all He does in return is give us true freedom. He gives us all of His power and all of His love. These are the earmarks of a prisoner of God. We are made free, but give that freedom up for a life of service to Jesus. He then simply turns around and multiplies our freedom. If you can’t get excited about that, there may be a defibrillator lurking nearby with your name on it.
We are called to walk in His liberty and in His grace. We are called to love Him above all and then love everyone else in the same manner. We are called to be His hands and feet, to be used by Him to complete His mission. Ask Him to live His life through you so that you may be a true and obedient disciple of Jesus. Submit every aspect of your life and beg God to use you however He desires. Give up everything you have and find true freedom in Him. Live a life that is worthy of His call.