Albert Schweitzer said, “Day by day we should weigh what we have granted to the spirit of the world against what we have denied to the spirit of Jesus, in thought and especially in deed.” Every day we should consider what parts of our life we are dedicating to the spirit of this world (Satan) and which parts we are surrendering to Christ. Too much of my time, and I suspect yours as well, is given to the things of this world and not to the mission of Jesus. This isn’t a situation that is easily remedied. We have spent years buying into the lies of the devil, subscribing to cultural myths and standards, while relegating God to an unassuming place in the background.
We all choose how we spend our time and what we think about. Spare me the excuses and rationalizations. I know them all because I’ve used them. We are responsible for what we think, say, and do. It either glorifies God or it glorifies us. There are no neutral options. We surrender our lives to God or decide we know how to do life better ourselves. We don’t often think about the fact that when we don’t do things to honor God that we are instead ascribing worth and value to the ways of Satan (Mark 9:40). He is the original self-absorbed creature, and we follow suit all too willingly.
In the spiritual war that surrounds us, battles are won and lost by the choices we make. It’s uncomfortable to ascribe that kind of power to our actions. We’re resistant to that level of responsibility. Instead of being energized and excited by the opportunity to collaborate with God in His mission to bring His Kingdom to earth, we shy away from Him and drift ever closer to the camp of the enemy. Remember when you prayed to give your life to Jesus and asked Him to be the Lord of your life? When was the last time you actually lived as if that was true?
We want everything Jesus has to offer, but resist the opportunities to prove our love for Him. It’s too hard. Maybe we don’t think it’s worth the price? How is it that our tendency is to squander everything He has done for us, everything He has given us, for a moment of fleeting pleasure or comfort? Which would you rather have: a couple thousand more square feet on earth, or a home God has personally crafted for you in His Kingdom? Would you rather enjoy peace and security for 70 or 80 years in this life, or for an eternity in the life to come?
Every move we make is either for Christ or against Him. Our lives will be lived for Him or ourselves. Living for ourselves usurps His authority, denies His character, and says we would rather follow Satan than God. It’s harsh language and altogether uncomfortable to consider, but it is the truth whether we wish to believe it or not. Every thought, word or deed proves your allegiance. Are you denying Jesus or Satan?