Sometimes we’re our own worst enemies. We want to draw closer to God, to experience more of His love and character, but we rarely slow down enough to actually take in His glory. We spend our days jumping from one task to the next, and that busyness spills over into our spiritual lives. When we finally get around to praying, studying, and concentrating on God, our minds are so hurried we cruise right through what He is revealing to us.

He gives us an epiphany for service and we quickly file it away so we can get to the next verse or the next name on our prayer list. And we wonder why our spiritual life isn’t more vibrant!
As I was battling through my own struggle with this recently I very clearly felt God speak to me and say, “Take time to breathe between the movements of life.” We’re all busy and have too many demands on our time. It occurs to me Satan must delight in how we’ve allowed our lives to become so cluttered we are rendered useless in the mission of Christ. Increasingly we are connected to and bombarded by information every waking moment. Something is always demanding our attention, to the point nothing ever gets all of it.
Reflect on the world God created for us. It was a place to just be in the presence of God, to live in relationship with Him and to marvel at the beauty of His creation. We’ve come a long way, and it’s all been in the wrong direction. When was the last time you blocked out all distractions, tuned out all the noise, and sat quietly talking with God and admiring His creation? It rarely happens in our Western culture of constant activity and the never ending climb up the hill of success.
The way to find time to breathe is to keep your eyes on God. When He brings someone into your life, focus on Christ and ask Him how you might serve that person. When you pray, recognize you are in the presence of the very being who created you. No one has ever loved you more. No one is more interested in you than He is. Clear your mind of everything else. Breathe Him in. Be in the moment. When He reveals something to you, don’t just make a quick note and move on; explore it and see what He has for you. When you pray, bring the person for whom you are praying directly into your mind. Love them the way Christ loves you and don’t hurry past them.
We all need to take time to breathe between the movements of life. We are in the midst of a cosmic dance, and God will lead if we allow Him the space and time to do so. In all of your busyness, don’t forget to take the time to breathe.