Worrying is always about something in the future that may or may not happen. It’s never about what is going on right now. Perhaps that’s why Jesus told us not to worry (Matthew 6:25-34). He wants us to be focused on His mission, right here, and right now. When we look too far into the future, we miss the millions of moments and interactions that are going on around us right now.
As Jesus said, none of us by worrying can add single year to our lives (Matthew 6:27). Notice, He didn’t instruct us not to plan. Planning is a good and responsible thing (Luke 14:28). But worrying isn’t planning.
So what is the correct response to tomorrow? My advice is to make plans, but include God in them. Ask Him for wisdom. Make certain that whatever you plan honors Him. If there are things you need to do to bring your plans to fruition (take a class, read a book, make a call, buy materials, etc.), do that as you are able. Work towards your plan, but leave it at that. Don’t worry about the results. Control what you can control in a way that brings honor to God, and leave the rest in His care.
Perhaps the devil or the forces of our fallen world will sabotage or derail your plans. Don’t worry about it. What can you change by worrying? Nothing! Again, pray for God’s wisdom, work honestly with your best effort, and from that point accept whatever happens. If your plans succeed and they were done in accordance with the will of God, then He will be glorified. If the plans fail but you intended them for His glory, know that He can make beauty from the ashes of your defeat. Either way, God will be glorified, and you will be living in His will.
We need to keep our focus on today. When our only concern is what lies in front of us, it is almost impossible to worry. The only way worry can creep into the present is if you hesitate to put your hands to work. See what God has for you today, in this moment, and dive in. When you take action on what God gives you in this moment, worry cannot enter into the equation. Therein lies the crux of His command to not worry. If we will constantly act on what He gives us in this moment, He’ll take care of the next moment.
It’s so easy to look to the future, but recognize when we begin gazing beyond Jesus, we are no longer following Him. Don’t worry about tomorrow, for today has enough trouble of its own. We have work to do today before tomorrow arrives. Each day, God gives us a day’s worth of work to do. Don’t neglect what He has given you today by worrying about what might happen tomorrow. Stare at Jesus; follow Him and get to work right now, right here, in this moment. Worry is for tomorrow. Obedience is for today.