If we’re honest we don’t love like Jesus. Our love is very conditional. There is great need all around us, but whether or not we choose to love the individuals in the depths of that need is based on our upbringing, our societal norms, whether anyone else is watching, or worst of all, how it will make us look in the eyes of others.

Jesus never hesitated to love. He didn’t measure His actions against anything other than God’s will. Christ was love at His very essence, and everything He did flowed out of who He was. If we’re honest, loving like Jesus means we must always be searching for ways to demonstrate His love to others.
If we’re honest we don’t live like Jesus. He was so purposeful. Nothing distracted Him from accomplishing His mission. No one could knock Him off course. No amount of attraction could catch His eye. He was singular of purpose and impervious to His culture and what others thought of Him. Jesus reached out to those who society had discarded. He healed people of their illnesses and disabilities. He gave everything He had with no thought of what it might be costing Him. If we’re honest, living like Jesus requires a greater sacrifice than we are willing to make.
If we’re honest we are incredibly selfish. We can deny it all we want but the evidence against us is overwhelming. Our modus operandi is centered on us rather than Him. What do you suppose the ratio of your thoughts are each day in regards to how much you think about God, about others, and about yourself? Don’t kid yourself; unless you are that rare exception who has truly devoted their life to Jesus, your thoughts are dominated by you. I know because I’m no different. If we’re honest, we spend most of our time focused on making our lives more comfortable, more secure, and more enjoyable.
If we’re honest we don’t live as if Jesus is our Lord. Given we don’t love like Jesus, don’t live like Jesus, and are utterly selfish, I think it’s safe to say we don’t live as if Jesus is our Lord. We believe it. We commit to living for Him. But then we fall flat. We serve in fits and spurts with no consistency. If we’re honest, we have a long way to go towards living as His disciple.
If we’re honest we know we could be doing better. To all sincere followers of Jesus, it’s obvious we could be doing more for Him. We know we are falling short of the mark, and it pains us. It nags at us and drives us to find ways to better serve Him. I think Jesus loves that about us. He is constantly cheering us on, picking us up, and carrying us forward. Our shortcomings are never an excuse to stop trying. Instead, we should use them to spur us ever onward in drawing closer to Christ and building His Kingdom. God sees our heart, our intentions, and our desires. And if we’re honest, by His mercy, that is enough.