How are you doing, in this moment? In this season of life, where are you in your walk with Christ? What are you doing – right now – to reflect His love and character to those around you? In this moment, how are you living like Jesus? We don’t often go through our days pondering such questions, but why not? Why are we not consumed every minute with our Lord and Savior?

How is it we believe almost everything except God is worthy of our focus? When did it become okay to ignore our pledge to be His servants and for Him to be our Lord? Perhaps the bigger question to ask in this moment is what are we going to do to correct the mess of wrong thinking we’ve allowed into our lives?
The older I get, the more precious time becomes. I am obsessive about spending it in the wisest manner possible. As I age, I become aware of the responsibility of stewarding every second of time with which I have been entrusted. I wish I would have had the same urgency when I was younger and believed myself to be not only invincible but perhaps also a bit immortal. We would do well to teach the younger generation the importance of time and how fleeting it is.
Knowing how precious the resource of time is, I must return to my original question and expand on it a bit: “What are you doing, in this moment, to glorify Christ?” Are you so caught up in the details of your life you’ve scarcely thought of Him since leaving your house this morning? Have you left the God of the universe at home or in your car as you went to work? Did He not warrant an invite when you went out with friends? Have you shut him in a closet while you pursued your selfish dreams and desires? In this moment, where is Jesus in your life?
If Jesus is not at the forefront of everything we see, think, and do, how can we say He is Lord of our life? Someone is ruling this second of your life. We decide who that will be. Either you or God is going to be honored in this moment. To be blunt, we are deciding to serve Satan or Jesus in every minute of our lives. It’s uncomfortable to put it in those terms, but the truth is often uncomfortable.
In this moment, who will you choose? Will you honor your commitment to Jesus, or will you decide it’s too difficult, too inconvenient? We don’t take the responsibility of time seriously. We think there will always be a tomorrow, always another hour to put God first in our lives. The problem with such thinking is it isn’t true. All we have is right now. As Jesus said, to think otherwise is utter foolishness (Luke 12:20). Our lives could be over tomorrow. The next breath could be our last. Knowing this, what will you do with Jesus in this moment?