Most are familiar with the story of Moses and the burning bush. If you grew up in church, it was one of those Sunday School lessons that tend to stick with you. Too often, the story is left in one of those Sunday School rooms, never to be examined again. Re-reading the story this week, it struck me how like Moses we all are. Before you feel too good about yourself, I’m not intending this as a compliment.

Moses had many amazing qualities, but this was not his finest moment. God called, and Moses balked. He gave excuses why he wasn’t the right man for the assignment. He explained he wasn’t equipped for the job and asked God to send someone else. How many times have we done this when God gives us something to do?
Our first response to God is often an excuse of why we can’t do what He is asking. Like Moses, we rationalize why we aren’t equipped for the job. Here’s the thing; God never asks you to do something for which you aren’t equipped to accomplish. Our response should always be, “Of course, Lord; let’s get started!” If we understood who we are in Christ, we would never question whether we are equipped for the job. As followers of Christ, we have the Spirit of the living God within us. What is it you think you can’t do with such power? We don’t spend a lot of time considering the fact God is not only with us, but He is in us. All power in Heaven has been granted to us (John 14:12-13). I’m pretty sure that makes every Christ-follower qualified for the work to be done. We are all equipped for the job.
The first step then is recognizing who we are in Christ. The second and more difficult step is believing it. The great thing about truth is, it’s true whether you believe it or not. Jesus is living inside you this very moment, giving you access to all the power and authority He has. That is the truth, but it is a truth we tend not to believe. How else do we explain our fear, hesitation, and outright cowardice? If this played out in the physical realm, it would look ridiculous. Imagine the son of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, or Jeff Bezos not putting up a homeless person in a hotel for the night because they didn’t think they could afford it. Imagine they fretted over the financial implications of paying the hotel bill. These are the most financially resourced kids in the world, but they don’t think they are equipped for the job. That would be absurd! Put yourself in their hypothetical shoes, because we walk in them every day.
You are equipped for the job. You are resourced for whatever God gives you to do. Whatever you might lack is filled by the power of Christ in you. When God gives you something to do, just do it. If you are acting in His power, the accomplishment of His will is a foregone conclusion. It may not be on your timetable or with the result you imagined, but it will fulfill His purpose. We don’t need to understand how everything works together. We just need to obey. We just need to say “yes” to whatever He asks of us. Whatever it is you’ve been wrestling with, get it done. Believe you are who He says you are. You are equipped for the job. Go do it.