I despise blasé Christianity. Nominal Christians have done great damage to the Kingdom of God from the inside out. Nothing agitates me more than a nominal Christian. I know, because too often I am one myself. When we practice Christianity in name only we do a great disservice to our Lord. The term Christian is supposed to mean we look like Jesus. Christians, by definition, live for Christ.
These days, it has come to mean many things and rarely does it mean someone who has completely devoted their lives to serving Jesus and building His Kingdom. In fact, I’m pretty sure those of us who choose to stand firm in the pursuit of Jesus are going to be branded as being politically incorrect and out of step with modern society. Good. I’m okay with that. They said the same things about Jesus.
When you consider all Christ endured on your behalf, how can you possibly be apathetic towards His love for you? How can the mission for which you have been uniquely designed to accomplish be less than exciting to you? Blasé or nominal Christianity is an oxymoron. The fact the terminology is part of the modern lexicon demonstrates how far we have fallen and by how much we are missing the mark. Our lives are to be lived in such a way as to reflect Jesus. Our love for others should be unconditional and unstoppable. Our hope must be contagious because it is the best news in the world. But how many vibrant – even vibrating! – Christians do you know? How many are active in our world?
When you look into the eyes of Jesus, you get it. You see and feel His love and compassion. You catch His vision and feel the burn of His intensity. There’s nothing blasé or nominal about Him. A face to face encounter with Jesus Christ will change you forever. How can it not? How then are so many who claim to have met Him living lives of fear, isolation, apathy, and ineffectiveness? We have been called and commissioned by the God of the universe, the God who created everything; everything! Oh, but we bow to the little gods of our day. We prefer the temporary and fleeting comforts and pleasures of this world to the eternal and magnificent joy and glory of King Jesus. It is easy to understand why Jesus said nominal Christians made Him want to vomit (Revelation 3:16). They – even when the “they” includes me – make me sick too.
I am so repulsed by nominal Christians yet can’t deny my own proclivity to act like one myself. God help and forgive me. Keep me from living a nominal life! We cannot be blasé in our walk with Jesus. We can’t be apathetic about the mission He has given us. We all need to beg for His power in our lives and to repent from selling Him out for the simple and sinful pleasures of this world. Even Judas got 30 pieces of silver. How often do we betray Christ for so much less? It’s sickening, and it must end. Nominal Christianity is not what Jesus had in mind when He hung on the cross. It is not for what so many martyrs since have died. When we act blasé or live as nominal Christians we are spitting in the face of Jesus. We should be disgusted.
This is not how it was supposed to be. We all need to repent and beg for God’s mercy anew. There’s no time left to live as nominal Christians. How much is Christ worth to you? Is your life reflecting your answer? He is worthy of our lives. He is worthy of our passion and devotion. What is it we are giving to Him? Oh, Father forgive us our apathy, forgive us our devotion to the things of this world. Turn us again to You. Help us live lives worthy of Your suffering and our calling. Give us strength. Help us to glorify You at all times and to never take You for granted. Raise us up from our despair and give us hope. Give us You. Help us to live as people infused and obsessed with Your holiness. Thank You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.