I love Jesus. There’s no hiding or denying it. The truth is, I’m obsessed. It’s almost Christmas as I write this, so He may be on my mind even more than usual if that is possible. We’re talking about the Son of God who came to earth in human form so He could experience first-hand everything we do. He put aside His glory and power to be one of us. Who does that? Only Jesus.
He is the only figure in all of history to ever abdicate His heavenly throne for the sole purpose of dying in the place of all humanity, and then rising again to defeat even death. He gave up everything for me. Is it any wonder I love Jesus so much?
Nothing new
So much has been said about the birth of Christ over the years it’s difficult to think of something new. Perhaps that’s the point. We don’t need a new revelation. We need to remember the revelation that was sent to earth over 2,000 years ago. We don’t need something new; we need to rededicate ourselves to the timeless truth.
Solomon said there was nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). I think that’s okay. In our day and age, we’ve become too preoccupied with discovering something new. Even this pursuit isn’t new. The apostle Paul told us about the ancient Athenians who spent their days seeking some new teaching (Acts 17:21). We don’t need a new teaching. We don’t need anything new. We only need the timeless truth and love of Jesus.
Timeless love
The love of Jesus does not change. He was born for the purpose of dying on our behalf. Have you ever known someone whose sole purpose is to give their life in place of yours? No one does that. Only Jesus. His love is both unconditional and eternal. The only act of love greater than Christ coming to earth was His sacrificial death in our place.
Can you see why I love Jesus? I love Him because He first loved me. He loved me before I was born. He has loved me through my years of rebellion. He loves me now despite my failures. Nothing we do can ever or will ever separate us from the beautiful and timeless love of Jesus (Romans 8:38-39).
Jesus has come
Regardless of whether you are reading this at Christmas, know Jesus has come. He came to earth as God but at the same time also being fully human. That’s crazy and only God could pull it off. Most of us, having achieved some sense of power, prestige, or security, do all we can to protect our status. We never want to experience life as anything less than what we have become. But Jesus did. He put us first. Consider the gravity of that statement. The God and Creator of all things (including you and me!), made Himself to be one of us.
I love Jesus. I’m not ashamed and I can’t shut up about it. He is amazing. His love is beyond compare. We don’t even have words for his love, beauty, wisdom, and being. This Christmas season, the best we can do is say “thank you” and worship our King. He came to earth to save us. We live because He lived as we do and then defeated death as we could never do. I love Jesus. How about you?