Opposition means nothing to a person determined to follow God. If you set your mind on loving, living, and looking like Jesus, you will desire to do His will. Nothing else will matter, only Jesus. When you surrender to Christ, your desires will change. Your life will no longer be about yourself. It will be about God and others. But a life like this is only if you want it, and make no mistake, it will cost you.
The devil sees your surrender to Christ as an open invitation to attack. You will find opposition at every turn. it’s probably time to check the level of your commitment to Christ if you aren’t facing opposition in your life. Jesus promised us we would have trouble in this world (John 16:33). If you aren’t experiencing it now, know that it is coming.
You probably will not have to face the opposition of the enemy, as long as you aren’t doing anything for the Kingdom of God. He likes you lukewarm, inoffensive and playing it safe. But a lukewarm commitment makes Jesus sick (Revelation 3:15-16). He wants no part of it. The best way to experience the goodness of God is to run headfirst into opposition and watch what He will do through you. When we avoid opposition, we miss out on the opportunity to build our faith and trust in Him. No matter what we face, He will walk through it with us. He will never leave or abandon us (Deuteronomy 31:6).
For those who surrender to Jesus, nothing can stop them from serving Him. Opposition becomes little more than an annoyance when we keep our eyes on the prize. If we take our eyes off Jesus, we’ll feel the waves lapping at our feet. We’ll become afraid and doubt the power of Jesus to pull us through the storm. When we focus on Jesus, the opposition will come. More frightening by far is to live a life without opposition from the enemy. What makes us think we will share in Christ’s eternal glory if we won’t share in His suffering?
Don’t let trouble or persecution frighten you. Let it encourage you. Jesus walked through intense suffering on our behalf. It is our privilege to share in His suffering, no matter how small it may be compared to what He did for us. We must prepare for the trials we know will come. Pray for wisdom and for the Holy Spirit to saturate your heart. Pray times of trouble will find you faithful. Above all, trust in God. He is faithful to deliver you whatever may come.
When we face opposition because of our commitment to Jesus, we can know we are in His will. That should encourage us, because what can man do to us? They can kill our bodies, but they can’t touch our souls (Matthew 10:28). Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). Some will face great persecution, others little, but all of us who choose to live our lives for Jesus will face opposition. Don’t be fearful. Hold fast and don’t waver. You are not alone. Your Father is with you, and soon you will see Him face to face. Until that day, be strong and courageous. Keep your focus on the One who gave His life for you. Complete the work He has given you to do.