What information are you consuming? You will become whatever you consume. What goes into your mind and your body will manifest in the way you think and look. It will determine what you say and do. If you want to look like Jesus, you must consume His Word. You must feed on Him and nothing else. We will look like Jesus when our every moment is obsessed with Him. We do this by inviting Him into everything we do.
The mistake Christians have made for far too long is trying to compartmentalize Jesus. We have our careers, our social life, our friends, and our activities. Oh, and we also love Jesus. This is not a biblical lifestyle, and it won’t result in us looking like Jesus.
As you read the Gospel’s you’ll notice something about Jesus. He didn’t compartmentalize His life. He left His career, friends, and family behind. His sole focus was the mission of His Father. No matter what He did, it was with an eye on furthering His message. When He hung out with His new friends, He was always teaching them the truth of God’s Word. When He went to parties and weddings, He found moments to rebuke false teaching and reveal His glory. His attention was never divided.
Today, we have an entire industry built around helping us manage our time and to compartmentalize our lives. But we are one person living one life. If that life is to be a whole life, then we must live it as it was designed to be lived. Our purpose is to glorify and worship God. Anything else we do is not in line with our divine purpose and places us outside of God’s will for our lives. If we want to be the person He created us to be, we have to get rid of all the stuff in our life that doesn’t glorify God.
That means a lot of our habits must change. It means we have to let go of some dreams and the lifestyle we’ve been pursuing. When you give something up for the sake of Jesus, you aren’t losing anything. You are gaining the Son of God in your life. If you can’t see the value of that trade, you’re probably going to find nothing of use here. Your eyes are blinded by the god of this age and you are refusing to see the truth (2 Corinthians 4:4).
For the rest of us, we must take the offer of life Jesus is extending to us. If we don’t, we are deceiving ourselves if we think He will welcome us into His Kingdom when we die (Matthew 7:22-23). Jesus cannot be Lord of a divided heart. All these other things we pursue are nothing. They are garbage (Philippians 3:8), yet we treat them as precious jewels. Stop trying to live your life as if Jesus is a part of it. He is either all of it, or you haven’t yet accepted Him as Savior and Lord. If He is your Lord, everything gets surrendered to Him. You have no other life but Him. Please stop pretending you can have Jesus in your life without Him being your life. You are fooling yourself, and it will not end well. Surrender your life to Jesus today.