There comes a time in each of our lives when we must choose between self-preservation and simply doing what is right. We will choose to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of a friend or give up what we want in order to gain what we truly need. It is in these times that we learn what we really value. Are we who we say we are? Do we stand for what we say we believe? We are defined by our actions, not our words. When the time comes for you to act, what will you do?
We are called to live a life of no compromise. Come what may, we have one allegiance and that is to Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Savior. Tough times will invade our lives and we will be tempted to choose the easier road. We’ll grow weary and be faced with the decision to persevere or simply call it off. We always know which way to go, but we will not always choose to follow that path. Eventually, we will come to a choice that demands we turn left or turn right. A decision will be called for, and indecision will be a choice unto itself.
When your moment comes, will you be ready? Will you be able to stand firmly grounded in the love of Jesus or will you buckle and succumb to the temptations of the evil one? Confrontation is never easy. Hard decisions are rarely comfortable. Our choices betray our inner thoughts and true loyalties. We claim to be Christians, but are we willing to risk everything for the sake of Jesus? If we have not lived a life of choosing Him in the small matters, we will quickly fold when confronted with life-changing decisions.
Every second of every minute of every hour of our lives, we decide whether or not we will follow Jesus in that moment. Our small choices build great walls of behavior. If we will not trust Christ in the little things, we will never trust Him in the defining moments of our lives. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus told us that we should never worry about what we will eat or drink, or even if we’ll have clothes on our back. He assures us He will take care of that. But do we believe Him at His word? If God led you to quit your job tomorrow and go on a three month mission trip, would you do it? Chances are you’re like most of us, and would immediately come up with a laundry list of excuses why that could never work for you. Instead of trusting God, we allow the cares of this world to keep us from obeying and serving Him.
The time for excuses ended as soon as you said “yes” to Jesus for the first time. From that point forward, you promised that your decisions would be His decisions. Just a short time later, you rarely even speak to Christ unless you need help getting bailed out of a tough situation. What if you applied the same degree of commitment to your marriage as you did to your relationship with Christ? Why is our relationship with Jesus always our lowest priority?
It’s really quite simple. We are either for Him or against Him (Luke 11:23). No one can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). What will you do when you face your own defining moments? Will you jump into His arms, leaving everything else behind? Or will you turn away, convinced that the risk is too great. Be assured your choice will be the way of life or that of death. In your defining moments, where will your loyalty be? Choose carefully; this is do or die.
What huge decisions are you currently acing? What makes you hesitate? Please join the conversation by leaving a comment below.