Are you still waiting for divine revelation to strike like lightening before you engage in building the Kingdom of God here on earth? If so, I have some great news for you. That revelation occurred 2,000 years ago when God walked among us in the person of Jesus Christ. You and I have been commissioned since the day we committed our lives to Jesus. One of the overriding themes in Steven Furtick’s book, “Greater” is to “stop waiting for what you want, and start working with what you’ve got. Your greatest limitation is God’s greatest opportunity.” In other words, the time to get started is now. No more excuses, no more rationalizations. You are equipped to begin right now.
It’s a little crazy how we continuously wait for God to “give us a sign” when we have already been given His Son. When Jesus walked the earth, the people of His day continuously asked for a sign that He was the Messiah. He rebuked them by calling them a wicked generation for demanding such a sign (Matthew 16:4). I wonder if He doesn’t feel the same about us today. How many times have you prayed for God to give you a sign so you would know what to do with your life? God’s will for your life is simple, plain, and no secret. Trust in Him with all your heart, care for the sick, the weak, and the hurting and persevere in doing these things as long as you live (Matthew 25:31-46; James 1:27; Matthew 24:13). Everything else is just details.
I suspect what keeps us looking for a sign or waiting to begin is the thought that we were created to do things on a grand scale. There’s no glory found flying under the radar, no significance doing a job that no one else sees. We’ve confused working for the glory of God with working for the praise of others. If all we did was look for moments of high visibility and prestige, we would miss almost every person in need that comes our way. We live out God’s will in the quiet moments in our life, in the everyday activities that seem so ordinary. God uses our entire lives for His purposes when we decide to go “all in” with Him. There is no need to wait for a blinding light to shine the way. We have all we need in Him, and we already know all we need to know.
If every follower of Christ were actually following Christ, our entire world would be turned upside down. Unfortunately the vast majority of Christians are so busy trying to figure out God’s will for their lives that they wind up letting His will for their life just pass them by. No follower of Jesus has the luxury of the excuse of not knowing what they should do with their life. Here’s a quick crash course. If you want to know God’s will for your life, just do the things He said to do. Model your life after His. Help those He helped, and serve those He served. It’s simple but true. You already know God’s will for your life. The only question is, will you pursue it?
Are you still searching for God’s will for your life? What keeps you from going “all in”? You can join the conversation by leaving a comment below.