Today it’s time to take a breather. We have talked a lot about being active for the Kingdom and how salvation is a combination of faith and works. We mustn’t be passive observers on the road of life, but rather active participants in all that comes our way. With all of that said, none of it will matter if we are not doing it for the right purpose and without the proper heart attitude.
Everything we do must be for the reason of making the Kingdom of God a reality here on earth. Jesus prayed that God’s will would be done on earth as it is in Heaven. This is a clear indication that we are not to simply wait around for Heaven, but rather that we should be bringing Heaven to earth. We should be working to provide the paradise experience to all people, right here and right now. Jesus prayed that it would be so and therefore established our mission. Everything we do must now contribute to that mission. This is what it means to follow Jesus. We act because he acted, we love because He loved, and we serve because He served. Jesus modeled ways in which we could begin to make heaven a reality here on earth. There is no injustice in Heaven; there is no hunger, nor sorrow, nor tears. To bring Heaven to earth, therefore, we must work for justice and to eliminate hunger, sorrow and tears. Most importantly we must do all of this because it is what Jesus told us to do.
Our only motive must be Jesus and our only mission must be that which He gave to us. Being a good person for the sake of living in harmony with others simply won’t cut it. While it may look great on the surface, the root of this kind of service is selfishness. Serving others so that you can live in peace finds you at the core instead of Jesus. Rather, when we serve, we must do it because it’s what Jesus would do; it’s what He said to do and it pleases Him. Jesus must be the reason. Jesus must be the motive. In this way, we live honestly and purely before Him. Our hearts are aligned with Him and He will bless what we set out to do.
Being a follower of Jesus means nothing if we are not pleasing Him. We please Him by doing the things He did, and doing them for His pleasure and in His name. It’s not enough to feed the hungry. We need to be broken at the very sight of those in need. We must see them as beautiful creations of God and be compelled to serve them because we love as Christ loved. It’s all about the attitude of our hearts. If our hearts are not broken by the things that break the heart of Jesus then we are living a lie; we are hypocrites. We cannot fully love Jesus until we love as He loves. We must devote the whole of our life to growing into His love and then reflecting that same love to the world around us. As the hands and feet of God, we must be fully aligned with His mission in order to best carry it out. We can’t fake it; if we aren’t doing it for Jesus, we may as well not do it at all.
So what’s your motivation? Are you seeking to live in harmony for harmony’s sake? Are you caring for others out of a heart that breaks for them or out of a sense of civic duty? Are you mindful of what others might think as you engage in activities of service? Forget everything else except for Jesus and His mission. Remember why He came, how He lived and what He has created you to do. Live a pure life wholly devoted to Him, a life that consults Him first and Him only. You can’t be a true follower of Jesus and have motives of anything other than Him. He demands it all, not just a part. Check your motives; beg for more of His love and to have your heart broken by the things that break His heart. Love and serve in the name of Jesus. He is the only way; He is all we need.