What if we lived our lives viewing everything and everyone through the lens of Christ? What if we saw others the way Jesus sees them, and only engaged in activities Jesus would engage in? How might our lives be different, and how might we impact the world for the sake of the gospel and the glory of our King? Every day, we do things to further our goals and desires.
Humanity is nothing if not self-absorbed. From the time we wake each day, we are thinking about how we look, planning what we’ll do, and talking about ourselves to others. We live our life through the lens of what we want and we do it without even thinking about it. What if we got a bit more intentional about things and kept Christ front and center?
It’s important to understand that everything we think, say, and do either gives glory to God or dishonors His name. There isn’t some magical middle ground of no consequence. We are serving the Kingdom of Christ or deferring to the realm of Satan (Matthew 12:30). Our every decision carries that kind of weight, but we’re too busy pursuing the things of this world to notice. Every thought, word, and action is a battleground. One of the most sinister things Satan does is to convince us most of what we do doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Everything matters. We just don’t want to be bothered to care.
We must learn to see every development in this world through the lens of Christ. How do we respond to the sin in this world? How did Jesus respond when He walked the earth? He came to redeem us, to save us, and to die for us, but along the way, Jesus set an example for us (1 Peter 2:21). Our job is to walk as He walked (1 John 2:6). He didn’t get embroiled in the affairs of the government, but He never hesitated to call out the sins in the way the political elite lived their lives.
Jesus loved everyone regardless of their spiritual condition, but He never condoned or participated in their sin. He was a man of peace, but He came with a sword to divide the proud from those who would fall on their knees before Him (Matthew 10:34-36). God did not send Jesus into the world to condemn it (John 3:17), but Christ pointed out the ways mankind was condemning itself by following the ways of the world and rejecting His Lordship and authority. Jesus pointed the way to salvation, no matter what it cost. And it cost Him His life.
Instead of looking at the world in terms of how it affects us, look at it through the lens of Jesus. Call out sin for what it is and don’t associate with those who insist on rejecting Christ (Ephesians 5:11). Love those who do not know Jesus and preach the gospel to them. For those who reject His Word, shake the dust from your sandals and move on (Matthew 10:14). They have their reward. To live our lives through the lens of Christ means we continue the Great Commission and spread His Gospel everywhere we go (Matthew 28:19-20). Feed the hungry, give to the poor, care for the sick and those in prison (Matthew 25:31-46). Love everyone as a precious child of God, but never approve of their sin. Live as Jesus lived. Love as He did. See the world as Jesus does and spend your life as His hands and feet. It’s not about us; it’s all about Him.