Even though we have no guarantee of even our next breath, we tend to lead our lives as if we will live for years to come. Most people lack the sense of urgency in their lives that we should all have as followers of Christ. We do not know how much longer we will have to further His kingdom on earth. The homeless person you walked by today might be the last chance you will ever have to help someone. The new outfit or video game you purchased today might be the last dollar you ever have the opportunity to spend. The time you spent mindlessly staring at the television might just be the last chance you ever have to be with your family. The lack of urgency with which we live our lives now will most certainly lead to regret later. I don’t want to live a life marked by regrets.
It is made clear in Scripture that no man knows the span of his days. We lack the ability to see the big picture of life unfolding around us and therefore have no idea when our earthly life will be taken away. That is a fact we cannot alter. What we can affect, however, is what we do with every second we remain in our earthly clothes. This is why it is vital that we live our lives with absolute urgency. Every encounter and conversation is vitally important. Each activity becomes one of great importance. Until we start recognizing every second as an opportunity to be the Kingdom here on earth, we will not be living out our mission to its fullest extent. It is hard work to remain so focused, but this is how Jesus lived His life, and so we must strive to live our own lives in this manner as well.
Whenever possible we should remove useless motion. Many confuse being busy with being effective. Our urgency must be interlaced with purposeful intention. It is not enough to be doing something; we must be doing the things that matter, the things that will make the most impact for Jesus. By being mindful of the mission we have been given, we can plan our days around doing those activities which please Him and allow us to reflect His love onto our world. We must live our lives in a manner that keeps us free from the trappings of this world so that we will be free to spend all of our efforts on doing those activities that will glorify Him.
Make time to pray for those around you, to ask for wisdom to discern the things you should do and how you should go about them, and also pray for the courage to follow through. The best way to live a life of urgency is to simply begin doing something. Look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Instead of being judgmental of others because of their appearance, seek to come up with ways that you might be of service to them. Pray for each person you encounter and be sensitive to what the Lord puts on your heart to do for that person. If you are standing in line at the grocery store and you feel a strong pull to pay for the groceries of someone else in line, do it! If you see a child with little money longing for a toy he can’t afford, buy it for him. If you see homeless people milling about, go grab some food and hand it out. Do the things Jesus told us to do. Don’t hesitate.
We have our marching orders. Move out, and do so with urgency. Make the most of your time because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16). We have no guarantee of tomorrow, we have only today. In fact we have only this moment. How are you choosing to spend it?