We all have things we have been putting off, tasks that never seem to get done. Generally the things that get pushed aside are things we know we should do but are also things that will require some sort of sacrifice from us. Our tendency is to lean into things that don’t require much time or effort, but shy away from the duties that eat into our “me time”. While this may never be a great habit for getting things done, the habit of procrastination becomes absolutely lethal when applied to our spiritual lives. With no guarantee of another breath, it is imperative we seek Jesus In this moment and do whatever he tells us to do… right now.
Many of us go to church each week and feel good about the ability to check that off our list. It’s even easier these days when most churches have gone to a single service (albeit one that might be repeated a few times in larger churches). When I was growing up, I was dragged to church (sometimes literally, I’m sure) for three different services each week – Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday night. I’m sure many of you can relate. I’m not saying that was a better or more spiritual schedule. My point is that it used to be a lot more difficult to put a check in “church box” each week. Now we spend an hour a week and call it good. We spend the rest of the week pursuing our own interests, putting off the very things we have just been convicted of – and perhaps committed to – in church.
What we often don’t do is take the time to study the Bible, pray, and listen for what God may be saying to us. He speaks through His written word and gives us definite instructions on how we should live. He speaks to us through prayer by giving us peace, wisdom, and small nudges about things He’d like us to do. And He speaks when we are quiet before Him by renewing our souls and giving us strength for the journey while igniting a passion in our hearts. His words always require action from us. That is the moment when we are faced with the choice of doing what He calls us to do or putting it off for a more convenient time.
How many times have you sat in church and felt the urge to help with something that’s going on but by the end of the service, the moment has passed and instead of stopping by a table to sign up, you head out the door for lunch? How many times has the offering plate passed your way and you’ve ignored the compelling desire to reach for your wallet? How many times has God prompted you to help a person in need but you decided to walk on while rationalizing that someone else would come along? What in your life have you become convicted of letting go but you are still clutching tightly to your chest?
We spend our lives pursuing our own selfish desires while ignoring the call and mission of the One we claim to be our Lord. We put off serving Him in order to honor our own cravings instead. When God calls you to do something, He does not intend for you to wait. He is our Lord and our Master. Take the time to listen to what He is telling you. Read the Bible. Pray. Be still and listen. Act on what He has called you to do. Do it now.
What have you been putting off for tomorrow that needs to get done today for His glory? Please join the conversation by leaving a comment below.