![Compassion,child sponsorship,poverty,hunger,children,sponsor,Compassion International](https://evenifiwalkalone.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ForTheSakeOfAChild.jpg)
This is the last post for Compassion’s Blogger month. Over 2,000 new children have been sponsored so far this month, which is fantastic. To meet their goal, Compassion is still seeking to get another 1,000 children sponsored before the end of the month. Surely we can get this done. It is our absolute duty to care for these children in need (James 1:27; Matthew 19:14). We have been entrusted with much so that we might serve much. It’s only $38 per month. What could you give up to save the $38 and sponsor a child today? As you consider that, remember that whatever you are giving up is being traded to provide a child with education, healthcare, clothing, food, self-confidence, and most importantly the opportunity to learn about Jesus. They will understand first-hand what it means to live like Jesus as they see you model Christ in your own life.
Imagine what life is like for a sponsored child. Instead of facing endless poverty, helplessness, and disease, they can wake each morning with hope. For the first time they will have the ability to attend a school and gain an education. This is their ticket to break the cycle of poverty in their family. They can put an end to the perpetual sickness in their households by learning basic hygiene techniques. The entire family of the child is changed forever. Imagine the pride the child will feel when they observe the positive changes they are brining into their home. How do you put a price on that? Even if you could, I know it would be far greater than a little more than a dollar a day.
How would your life be different if you had been born into the same circumstances as one of these children? You likely would not have survived to see your fifth birthday. You would have never received even a basic education, and your body would be racked with sickness your entire life. Your stomach would howl as you went to sleep hungry each night. Instead of a warm, soft bed you would sleep on a hard, dirt floor. Nothing would come easy. Even a drink of water would be hard to come by… unless you were one of the lucky ones, the ones who were sponsored by someone being the hands and feet of Jesus somewhere far around the world. If someone gave up a meager $38, you would be delivered from your life of abject poverty.
I don’t know your circumstances or situation, but I do know that almost all of us are spending $38 each month on something far less worthwhile than the life of a child. Put yourself in their shoes. Look at the world through their eyes. How do you feel; what do you see? Ask God to show you where you could find the $38 to sponsor a child and then do it! We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We can change the life of a child and their family. Together we can impact our world for the glory of God by demonstrating His love to those who need Him most. Don’t turn away. Please sponsor a child today.
Will you join me? Will you sacrifice something for the sake of a child? Let me know by leaving a comment below.