In a recent post (see “God’s Will Today”), I wrote that “God’s will isn’t something you do, it’s someone you become”. I wanted to spend a little more time on this because it is the key to living a fulfilled life, one that is spent following Jesus. We spin our wheels and waste so much time in futile pursuit of what God wants us to do with our lives. The question should not be, “Lord, what do you want me to do with my life?” Instead we should be asking, “Lord, who do you want me to become in my life?”
The difference between the two questions is profound. You will never be able to answer the first with 100% certainty from scripture, whereas the answer to the latter question is clearly articulated in God’s Word. Instead of going through life wondering if you are doing the right things, you can know without a doubt that you are becoming the right person. This is not a trivial point. Almost all of us have struggled at some point with trying to figure out God’s will for our lives. Finally we can put that question to rest and move forward with confidence, knowing we are doing what we should because we are becoming who God has created us to be.
So what does this look like? What exactly does it mean to become who God wants you to be? If you are a regular reader of this blog, you probably already know the answer. For those who are newer, read Matthew 25:31-46. Read Isaiah chapter 58 and James 1:27. Study the life of Jesus. Do the things He did. Above all, love every person you encounter (see “Love One Another”). As we love others and serve them, we reflect the light of God into their dark lives. We bring hope and encouragement to a world trapped in sin and despair.
Loving others transforms you from the inside out. Serving others brings about a humility that is at once beautiful and peaceful. Caring for the needs of those in pain demonstrates the love of Jesus and marks you as different. This is God’s will for your life. Out of your love and devotion to Him, proper actions will overflow. By becoming His disciple you do the things He wants you to do as a matter of course. What you do flows out of who you are.
This isn’t rocket science, although we have made it very difficult over the years. The gospel is simple. His ways are easy (Matthew 11:29-30). Somewhere along the way we have complicated and obfuscated the message of Jesus. We’ve made it challenging to find the will of God by believing the lie that what we do matters more than who we become. As we seek Jesus with our entire beings, pouring out all we have for His sake and on His behalf, we will find ourselves smack dab in the middle of His will. That for which we have been searching has been right in front of our noses. Now you know. Starting today, live in God’s will for your life by becoming the person He created you to be.