How can I serve God best today? It’s a question each of us should ask at the beginning of each day. The way we frame our days determines how we live our lives. If we wait for life to just happen to us, we will constantly be in a reactionary mode, and this is not the optimal way to live. Reacting results in circumstances dictating our own actions. A better way to live is to proactively and intentionally influence what circumstances will actually occur in our life. Remember the old saying that the best defense is a good offense? That sports analogy works well in life. We want to make our lives happen rather than wait for things to happen to us. As followers of Jesus, the absolute best way we can do this is to determine ahead of time how we will impact our world for Christ each day.
This isn’t a self-help article or some simple suggestion on how to improve your life. This is about living your calling and becoming the person you were created to be. Professional athletes didn’t wake up each morning and simply wait to grow strong or watch their skills develop. No orchestra seat was ever earned by the musician sitting quietly in their chair until they were able to skillfully play. If you want to live your life to the fullest extent for which you were created, you’re going to have to intentionally work towards maximizing your gifts. God desires a partnership with us. That’s why our relationship with Him must be the most important part of our lives. He is constantly and relentlessly pursuing us because he longs for that relationship (John 6:44; Luke 19:10; Romans 5:8). Starting each day seeking Him in kind is how we grow and develop in our love and effectiveness for Him.
God has created you for amazing things. I know this because He is an amazing God. His desire is to see you become everything He created you to be. He gave each of us a unique set of gifts, talents, and passions for use in building His Kingdom. We are the workmanship of God (Ephesians 2:10). Did you ever stop and let that sink in? Each of us is wonderfully made by the Creator of the universe (Psalm 139:14). There are no mistakes. God is an intentional God, and He created you exactly as He desired you to be. He did this out of love and out of His desire to see you fulfill your unique role in His story.
Since God has invested so much into each of us, He deserves for us to live our lives for Him and no one else. When you wake, ask Him how you can serve Him today. When you lie down at night, reflect on your day; did you love Him well? Take time throughout your day to be still and rest in His presence. Listen to His voice and let Him fill you with His power. In this way, Jesus will truly be Lord of your life, and through Him you will be empowered to do things you never dreamed possible. Your life will matter. You will make a difference. Live intentionally and impact your world for the glory of God.