When we think about the pursuit of God, most of us consider what we can do to chase after Him. Certainly we want to be always looking for ways to know, understand, and love Him more; it is the other side of the equation many never stop to ponder. God is constantly pursuing us. As much as we love Him, He loves us more.

As much as we desire a relationship with Him, He desires a relationship with us even more. It’s inconceivable; how could the Creator of the Universe take notice of us? Our ability to fathom the enormity of what His pursuit of us means does not change the fact the very God you worship pursues and seeks to serve you.
I admit I still struggle with the concept of God serving me. It sounds almost sacrilegious to even imagine the idea. But looking at the New Testament record of the life of Jesus, we see our God serving people at every turn. He never held His position over us, but rather said if we wanted to know what God was like, we would serve others the way He served us (John 13:12-17, Luke 10:25-37). He created us, He loves us, and He is constantly seeking ways to serve us. This is what love does. This is who He is.
Don’t misunderstand, God’s intent is not to give us our every earthly desire, but rather to serve us in ways that lead us to live the life He designed us to live. He is not a cosmic genie hanging around waiting at our beck and call. But He does want us to know Him and enable us to live the life He envisioned for us. He never grows tired of pursuing us, no matter how difficult we might make that pursuit. Through it all He says to us, “My love, you are worth it all!” How amazing and incredible is that?
God is unrelenting in His pursuit of us. His love is unstoppable. We need no further proof than the sending of His Son to die for us. He will stop at nothing. His love for us never ends. It is not our mission to pursue Him. He will do the pursuing if we let Him. We need do nothing but accept that pursuit. We need only let Him catch us. Our job is to let His love flow through us to everyone we encounter. We are indeed His hands and feet.
Have you ever considered God is relentlessly pursuing you? Are you worn out running after God only to never quite reach Him? Be still. We need only stop and He will wrap His arms around us. His love is beyond anything you can imagine, and He wants only to give it all to you. This is a hard concept. It will require a dramatic change of thought for many. This isn’t fantasy; the entire Bible is the story of God’s pursuit of humanity, and specifically, of you. Stop trying so hard and leave the pursuit of God to your Creator.