I read an awesome prayer recently. It was simply, “Deliver me today from the trifling things and help me to spend every minute of the day on ‘the things that matter.’” I need to pray that every day. My life is often filled with “trifling things”. I am guilty of rejecting the beautiful, matchless gifts of God in lieu of the cheap and fading things of this world.
It’s crazy when you step back and look at how much we’re giving up and how little we are actually getting. Everything we achieve or acquire in this life will pass away. It won’t last. In the end, it will all be useless; wasted time and wasted trinkets to litter the memories of a possibly wasted life.
As a people, we tend to hoard things. Even those who would not identify themselves as hoarders cling tightly to a few possessions which are most meaningful to them. We make ridiculous statements like, “I couldn’t live without my {fill in your object of choice}.” The only thing any of us cannot live without is Jesus. Yet He so often gets last consideration. The One who gave everything for us, and who can provide everything for us, is dismissed in favor of the temporal and tangible here and now. We are short-sighted, selfish, and shallow people who fail to recognize the power and wonder of Jesus.
We need to spend our lives focusing on things that matter, things that will stand the test of time and that will survive the crucible of death. Loving others matters. Serving people matters; obeying Jesus matters. What in your life is more important than those things? Your smart phone won’t hold a charge in Heaven. Your flat screen television won’t receive a signal, and your automobile won’t start in eternity. There is nothing you possess on earth – except for Jesus – that will survive your demise.
Your safety is an illusion. Your comfort is no consolation. Only Jesus matters. Nothing you pursue on earth apart from the Kingdom of God will matter when you face Jesus. He will ask what you did for Him, not what you accomplished or acquired for yourself. Still, I know you will read this, maybe even agree with it, and then go about your day as you’ve always done before. This is real stuff. The way you live matters to God and will matter for eternity.
What is it you are pursuing? Are you running after “trifling things” or focusing on things that matter? Your life is so short and could be over before you take your next breath. The risk of waiting to change is too great. None of us has a guarantee of tomorrow. What you do in your next moment dictates who you love more – yourself or Jesus. Will you pursue the useless things of this world or begin focusing on things that matter? Father, forgive me for living selfishly. Deliver me from trifling things and help me stay focused on only things that matter to you and Your Kingdom. Amen.