Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll begin to sound like a broken record. As a writer I always want to be bringing my readers something fresh and new, so I try and vary my content regularly to keep my audience interested. Those are my instincts honed by years of studying my craft. The problem is God messes up the whole equation. When God leads me to write about a topic, there’s no arguing about it.

The whole purpose of this blog is to teach others what God is teaching me. So when God says, “Write this”, I write it regardless of whether or not I’ve already written about it. With that in mind, I want to once again visit the topic of the spiritual battle swirling around us while we selfishly pursue all this world has to offer.
I can’t improve on the way A.W. Tozer put it: “People think of the world, not as a battleground, but as a playground. We are not here to fight; we are here to frolic. We are not in a foreign land; we are at home. We are not getting ready to live, but we are already living, and the best we can do is rid ourselves of our inhibitions and our frustrations and live this life to the full.” That should break your heart. If we are honest, we have all exemplified that statement at some point in our lives. Does that describe the way you are living today?
We spend so much time planning the leisure in our lives. We make grand designs for our weekends, vacations, and retirement. But we give little thought to intentionally building our lives around generosity, spiritual discipline, and doing the Kingdom work God designed us to do. We all have a mission to fulfill. You have been uniquely designed by Christ to accomplish work only you can do. When you do the things He created you to do, you advance the Kingdom. When you ignore your mission and pursue your own desires, the forces of Satan encroach on territory rightfully given to the people of God.
When you surrendered your life to Jesus and asked Him to be Lord of your life, you gave up everything. That promise meant you would no longer pursue comfort, pleasure, or security. You gave all that up. With that commitment, you placed your trust in Christ to supply all those things for you. There’s no such thing as a partial surrender.
As a disciple of Jesus, your mission in life is to utilize the gifts He has given you to obey the commands He has given you. That is God’s will for your life. It’s simple: love God with all your heart, obey Him without question, serve others the way He serves you, and trust Him with everything. It’s no more complicated than that. Everything else is just noise. The battle wages around you and your mission in life is clear. Will you put away your selfish pursuits and desires? Will you follow Him? Before you take your next breath determine how, from this moment on, you will live your life. Put aside the things of this world. Surrender to love; surrender to Him. This is your mission in life.