Jesus is a personal savior. This isn’t news for any who grew up in church. We’ve heard all our lives how we need to accept Jesus as our personal savior. But how often do we take the time to marvel at what that actually means? Why is a personal savior better than any other kind of savior? As long as we’re saved, who cares, right? The difference comes down to love. Jesus is a personal savior because of how much love He has for you, for me, and for every single other soul on this planet.

This means while Jesus died for the entire race of humanity – past, present, and future – He would have died for you alone. That’s pretty crazy. Even if no one else mattered, you would have mattered enough for Jesus to give up His life. That definitely puts the personal in Him being a personal Savior for us.
Have you ever considered He would have died for you alone? It’s far easier to understand Him dying for an entire race rather than one solitary wretched little person. Who are we that God should be mindful of us (Psalm 8)? Yet He loves each one of us individually so much He is constantly calling us to Himself and helping shape our character to mirror His. While He loves everyone in the world with an equal amount of love, at the same time all of His love is focused on you! All of His power is available to you in order to do the things He created you to do (Ephesians 2:10).
The Bible was written just for you. Jesus personally inspired fellow believers to write down the words you would need for growth and encouragement. While it is the best-selling and most widely read book of all time, Jesus would have had it written if you were the only one who would ever read it. He knows what you need and is happy to provide it.
After Jesus ascended to Heaven, He sent His Holy Spirit into the world so all people might be drawn to Him. The Spirit of God in the world makes it possible for us to communicate with Him at any time, wherever we are, and it allows Him to communicate with us. Jesus sent His Spirit for all people, but He would have sent it just for you. He loves you so much He desires to be in constant communication with you, and His spirit makes it possible. He did this just for you.
When you speak to Jesus, it’s only you and Him. He is never distracted. He never watches the clock to make certain you don’t exceed your time. He is certainly about everyone in the world, but in His infinite power, He is also only about you. He truly is your personal savior. Whatever you need, He knows. Wherever you go, He is there. He loves you, loves being with you, and died on your behalf. He did it for everyone, but He would have done it for you alone. He is beyond explanation, beyond compare, and beyond understanding. More than anything though, He is a personal savior, and He longs to be personally yours.