One of the key concepts I want to establish through the blog this year is mediocrity is not acceptable in the Kingdom of God. Jesus, the perfect Creator of all the beauty you see in this world didn’t do a mediocre job of anything. None of His creation even hints at mediocrity. Even now He continues to make all things new. He continues to create. How many times have you looked at a sunset you felt certain was more beautiful than any you had seen before?

Jesus continues to create beauty even in a dark and evil world. He continues to bring His best to every day we live. Do we not owe Him the same effort with our own lives? After all, we belong to Him. Mediocre simply can’t be good enough. We’ve got to strive to be better in ways that will bring Him glory. We can’t sit idling; we’ve got to move the needle in our commitment to God.
When was the last time you took inventory of the ways you were honoring God with your life? This isn’t something most do on a regular basis. I would venture to say the majority of us have never done it. How can we get better if we never take the time to examine where we currently are? Doing the same comfortable things you’ve been doing since childhood isn’t discipleship. It isn’t growth. Following Jesus requires forward movement. It involves moving from where we are to wherever He is going.
Standing still is idling. It’s going nowhere. It’s settling for whatever comes your way. Put bluntly, it is mediocrity and it does nothing to move the needle in your walk with Christ. They say admitting the problem is the first step towards recovery. If we’re going to recover from our mediocrity, we must begin by admitting we are living a mediocre life. We’ve let the comforts of this world seduce us into a catatonic state.
The cure for mediocrity is forward motion. You don’t have to be perfect. I promise you you’ll stumble. You’ll fail, but you will be moving towards Jesus. Whatever you do, do it as if you are doing it for Christ (Colossians 3:23). Filter each thought, activity, and decision through the lens of Jesus. Is it pleasing to Him? Does it bring Him glory? Can you picture Jesus doing it? If your life isn’t about Him, it’s not about anything. He is the way, the truth, and the life. What’s left?
We can’t stay here. We can’t sit still. The very call of Christ requires us to move the needle in our walk with Him every day. This isn’t about giving up anything, it’s about acquiring everything you could ever want or need. If Jesus isn’t worth the effort to move towards Him every day, then I’m pretty certain you have the wrong Lord. He gave up everything for you: His comfort, His power, His throne, His safety, and ultimately His life. What is it you feel is not worth giving up for Him? Is He truly the Lord of your life? It’s time to show these are more than just words to you. It’s time to move the needle. It’s time to leave mediocrity behind.