It amazes me to realize I have unsurpassable worth in the eyes of God. I get that. But when it comes to His kingdom, I don’t matter. This thing is all about God, and when the focus is anywhere else, the whole thing goes a bit sideways. I don’t matter, only Jesus. This doesn’t make me irrelevant. It simply brings perspective. God could do this whole thing without you or me, but He has chosen to include us in His plans.

He doesn’t need us to be His hands and feet, He desires us to be His hands and feet. This is a tremendous honor and responsibility. It changes the way we see the world and the reason we get up each day.
Every day we are bombarded with messages telling us how amazing we are (or at least would be if we’d use whatever product is being pitched to us!). Our thoughts are consumed with ourselves. The selfishness and narcissistic nature of humanity are beyond words. The only thing I know of greater depth than our self-absorption is the love of Jesus. No matter what the marketers might tell you, repeat after me: “I don’t matter!”
The good, no great, news is you matter to Jesus. I matter to Jesus. This is the whole point. We matter to Jesus only because Jesus matters more than anything else. Without Christ, we wouldn’t matter. When we leave Jesus behind, we give ourselves over to Satan. Guess how much you matter to him? Sure, he may show you a good time for a few years to deceive and persuade you he’s got this thing figured out, but deep inside you will always know the truth.
I want my life to count for something. The best way I know to make certain this happens is to continually remind myself I don’t matter. This life is not about me. Never was, never will be. How hilarious any of us imagine the world, even our small piece of it revolves around us! When was the last time you created a human being, animal, or piece of nature from scratch? When you figure that one out, maybe you can make the argument this world is all about you. Barring that, I suggest you recognize the only one who matters is Jesus Christ.
Too many people go through life thinking they don’t matter for the wrong reasons. They believe since they have been hurt, abandoned, ignored, abused, or otherwise cast aside they don’t matter to anyone. Know that you always matter to God. He loves you beyond anything you could imagine. He wants you to help Him love others as much as He loves you. He chooses you. He chose me. Because I’ve been chosen by God, I understand I don’t matter for all the right reasons.
It’s all about Him. There is only Jesus. Nothing else ever mattered, and nothing else ever will. It’s not about us, it’s about Him. Whether it’s thinking the world is all about you or wondering why no one cares about you, there is a cure for these lies. That cure is to understand you don’t matter to this world, but you mean everything to the God who created you, died for you, and rose to life to bring you to Himself. I don’t matter, but I know someone who does.