Why are we as the body of Christ not more upset at the sin and evil in our lives and in the world? If I were on the outside looking in, I’d swear we were almost comfortable with the way things are. Somehow, we’ve gone from being a people called to be different to becoming people who have fully assimilated and embraced the culture around us.
When I read about the early Church in Acts or the modern Church in places where following Jesus brings intense persecution, I see nothing resembling the American and Western church. Could it be we’ve allowed ourselves to become so comfortable we’ve lost the will to rock the boat and declare sin for what it is?
Perhaps because Jesus was the greatest rebel in history, I’ve always been drawn to the rebellious side of things. I’m comfortable being the outsider. To my way of thinking, if I find myself in agreement with the status quo then it’s time for me to change. The status quo isn’t looking for a savior. They have everything they want and need. Sure, they always want more, but it’s more of what they already have, not something outside of their way of life. The only thing I want more of is Jesus. At least, that’s what my heart knows is true. Reality looks quite different. My life looks much like my neighbor’s. I enjoy the safety and comforts afforded by where I live. In fact, I probably enjoy them too much.
When people get comfortable they stop pushing. They stop pursuing what is important to them. After all, they’ve already arrived. I’m afraid I’ve gotten comfortable. I’m afraid you have as well. Look around the world in which we live. Can you believe what we tolerate as acceptable today? Sin has never been so blatantly paraded before our eyes and we barely notice. Satan has been very patient. Our numbness to sin is the result of generations of work from the devil. Slowly, but ever so surely, he has eroded our senses to the point of apathy.
We need a new rebellion. We need to stop allowing ourselves to be co-opted into everything society tells us is normal and acceptable. It’s time we stood for Jesus and let everything else fall away. Sin is not okay. Evil cannot be tolerated. Love must always rule the day. We can stand for the truth of Christ while loving those who oppose it. But stand we must.
A new rebellion is only new in this moment. Brave men and women have stood for God throughout history, and many have paid for it with their lives. These brave souls still exist today, but it seems few are in my own country of the United States. We’ve got bigger churches, more resources, and more opportunities than ever before and we are wasting them all. I’m tired of the cookie cutter churches that seem to launch every other week. What we need are groups of believers who will no longer tolerate sin and the status quo. We need people madly in love with Jesus who will go to any length to tell somebody about Him. We need a new rebellion and it must start with me and with you.