What are the spiritual disciplines you want to have in your life but have not yet implemented? It seems we always think there will be a tomorrow to get started in building a life that looks more like Jesus. As I write this, a new year is approaching. There is something about the end of one year and the beginning of the next that always seems like a great time to make changes in our lives. The tradition of new year’s resolutions dates all the way back to the Babylonians and continues to this day.
Before we get caught up in this again, we need to remember Jesus taught we should not be building treasures in this life, but storing up riches in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-20). The point of following Jesus is not to build your best life now, but to build your best life after you’ve passed on from this earth.
I think goal-setting is a good thing and helps provide us with some focus and direction. But we need to remember every goal must have the purpose of drawing us closer to Christ and serving those around us. Any goal not meeting those criteria is meaningless. It will not be remembered once we’re gone. Only what we do for Jesus will last beyond our lives on earth.
Most of us will live lives of virtual anonymity. No matter how much we work to improve ourselves, the odds of us being known outside our own sphere of influence is virtually zero. All the money you make, the level of fitness you attain, and how high you advance up the corporate ladder is all about you. The size of your house, the type of car you drive, and the number of toys you accumulate are meaningless. They are achievement badges about which only you care. When you die, no one will talk about those things. In the grand scheme, no one will never even know what you accumulated or accomplished.
As you survey your life and think about making changes at the beginning of a new year or at any time during the year, focus on what changes you can make that will have eternal value. What can you do to draw closer to God? What habits and disciplines do you need to integrate into your life to facilitate knowing Him better? What can you do to impact the lives of others for the glory of God? How can you show love better every day you’re alive?
Store up treasure for yourself that will not fade and where moth and rust will not destroy (Matthew 6:20). Becoming a better version of yourself means becoming a person who looks more like Jesus every day of your life. Living your best life then is all about living now with eternity in mind. You don’t have to wait for the beginning of a new year to begin new spiritual disciplines and practices. You can begin right now. Don’t waste your life trying to figure out how to live your best life here on earth. Focus on preparing now to live your best life after you come face to face with your Creator.