There is significant pain in the world today. So many are in need. As followers of Jesus, we cannot ignore the plight of the sick, hurting, hungry, disabled, elderly, or dispossessed. We have so much. My prayer is for God to fill my hands so I can share what He gives me with others in need. I’m not particular about what God might put in my hands. He knows best what those around me need, so I’ll leave the details to Him.
I know He blesses us all with a unique blend of skills, talents, and passions. What He fills your hands with may differ from that with which He fills mine. That’s the beauty of the Kingdom of God. We are all different and able in concert to be used in ways we could never accomplish on our own.
When I ask God to fill my hands, I am humbled He would trust me to help carry out His mission. The privilege we have is unfathomable. And yet, God has always desired to use His people to accomplish His purposes. He doesn’t need us. He could do this entire thing on His own. Our God desires to work with us through an ever-expanding relationship with one another. We are in a cosmic dance in the universe’s ballroom. He weaves His plans into our lives. We only need to follow His lead.
There is a danger in asking God to fill our hands. There will be the temptation to hoard what He puts into our hands for ourselves. Satan will not ignore the opportunity to convince us to keep the blessing for our purposes. When we ask God to fill our hands, we must be careful not to think about how we could use what He gives us to further our selfish dreams and desires. Blessings are given to be shared.
Our mission in life is twofold. One, we are to bring glory to our matchless Creator God. Second, we are to share the incredible news of Jesus with everyone. We cannot keep what we have in Jesus to ourselves. It is such fantastic news it demands we share it. We all have something we can share with another. The body of Christ is beautiful in that Jesus gifts us all in unique ways to bless those around us.
Lord, fill my hands with what you would have me share with another. Give me just enough for my own needs and then overflow my hands with what I can give to someone else. When we ask God to fill our hands and do so in a spirit of humility, He will give us more than we ever imagined. He may fill our hands with love, money, compassion, wisdom, or many other things. What he gives us to give others may or may not be physical or tangible. But if we ask, he will fill our hands so the overflow with which He blesses us will spill over onto another. When we all allow God to flow through us, we will see His will done on earth as it is in Heaven. We will see the Kingdom of God spring up all around us.