Amid insanity and chaos, it’s easy to lose our way. While it’s tempting to throw our support behind one side or another, we must remember the only side that matters is for us to be beside Jesus. He doesn’t choose sides in our human battles. He loves everyone the same. Jesus loves no matter the offense. Our call is to do the same and to be a light in the darkness. We need not hear or become another opinion in an already crowded sea of noise. We need the calming peace of Jesus.
Our job is to be peace and love in the middle of the divisiveness that threatens to tear apart both our culture and our civility. No one is blameless. Jesus taught us that. There is no high road. There is only the road to life everlasting and the road to Hell. It is not ours to decide who is on which road because each of us deserves Hell no matter how right or justified we might feel.
In our chaotic world of endless news cycles, it is easy to get sucked into the fray and lose our bearings. Don’t you think Satan knows the best way to restrict our effectiveness for Christ is by consuming our attention with other things? It doesn’t matter how noble or right our crusade; if the focus is anything but Jesus, we are not in the will of God. I know this because the only way to be in the will of God is to be obeying His commands—all of them, not just the ones that are convenient to serve our circumstances and purposes.
Without a doubt, there is massive injustice in the world. There always has been, and sadly there always will be until Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom on earth. Sin will always manifest itself and win the day so long as the focus of followers of Christ is anywhere but on His beauty. There is only one way to peace and healing, and that is through the blood of Jesus Christ. I fear that the last statement will sound almost cliché to many of those reading this. But the truth is the truth, even when we don’t want to hear or accept it.
There is no sanity in a world ruled by Satan. There is no hope other than Jesus. We need Him now, perhaps more than ever. It seems the world has lost its collective mind, and no one knows how to fix the myriad problems facing us today. But Jesus does. He has the solution, and He always has. He is the solution that we have cast out of our schools, our homes, and increasingly, our churches. Is it any wonder our world is teetering on destruction? When we kick God out, it leaves us to our evil desires and Satan runs rampant through the earth. The only way out is to turn to Jesus. We may not see victory in our lifetime, but if we focus on Christ and tell others about the peace and love that is found only in Him, we will change the world and help bring about the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.