Every day we must choose whether we will follow Jesus. There are so many things that pull at us as we go throughout our day. Things we enjoy, things we’d like to purchase, and various ways to relax. Life is hard, and sometimes we just want to zone out and not do anything. But this isn’t an option in the life of a disciple. We are to live our lives like that of Jesus.
We don’t get days off, and we shouldn’t want them. Every second of our lives, time is ticking down. Time is running out to tell others about Jesus. If we don’t act today – and every day – we could be responsible for someone not hearing about Christ.
The life of a disciple is hard. Jesus told us we will have trouble in this world (John 16:33). We shouldn’t expect the easy way. If the life of a disciple were easy, everyone would do it. Every person who put their trust in Jesus would actually live for him. But the life of a disciple is not easy. Jesus said our families would betray us (Matthew 10:21), we could be homeless (Luke 9:58), and people would falsely accuse us (Matthew 5:11). Many of our brothers and sisters are already experiencing this around the world. If we’re not ready to suffer as they are, perhaps we aren’t ready to follow Jesus. A time may come when we will no longer be free to follow Jesus. If we can’t follow Him when it’s easy, what will happen when things get difficult?
What good is believing in Jesus if you won’t live for Him? If we live for Him, it will compel others to ask why we live the way we do, and we will have the opportunity to tell them about Jesus. There is no higher calling in life than to lead someone else to Christ. Once you grasp who Jesus is and what He did on your behalf, you can’t help but want everyone to experience the same love you have discovered. So, why are we not spending our days telling everyone we meet about the hope we have in Christ?
I submit we have grown too comfortable in our earthly clothes. We avoid anything that would disturb our sense of comfort, peace, and security. We’d rather be entertained than go out on a limb for Jesus. With that mindset, we cannot be called disciples of Jesus. People who have surrendered their lives to Jesus understand the price He paid and their duty to live for Him every second of their lives.
The life of a disciple is never easy. It will at once be filled with sorrow and joy. The sorrow is temporary, but the joy we experience in Jesus far outweighs any of the temporary pleasures we may give up in this life. Another life is coming. What we see now is only a shadow of the eternal life we will live. If we want to spend eternity with Jesus, we need to get our act together now. Only those who truly love and live for Him will see His paradise (Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 25:31-46). It’s time to put aside the pleasures of this world and do the hard work of following Jesus.