As winter gives way to spring, everything seems a little fresher, more colorful, and brighter. The earth is awakening from its slumber and putting its full beauty on display. Everywhere you look, you see new birth and growth. As you inhale deeply of the fresh spring air, take some time to meditate on the beauty of God’s creation. Everything you see stems from His creative genius. There is not anything made that He didn’t conceive and craft (John 1:1-3).
Look at the palette of colors on brilliant display all around. Who could imagine such an array! Go to a zoo and marvel at the diversity of design among all the creatures. Every eye, ear, nose, and shape is a product of the unlimited imagination of our Lord. What a majestic God and King our Creator is.
In Psalm 19:1-6, David was admiring the handiwork of God, noting how the skies were witness to the work of His hands and magnified His glory. Have you ever taken the time to look up and stare at the clouds? So many shapes and combinations. There’s nothing so beautiful and awe-inspiring as white clouds splashed across a brilliant blue sky. The next time you look up, take a moment to marvel and thank Him for the beauty He provides every day.
In the same passage, David discusses how the earth speaks without words, breathlessly declaring the majesty of its Creator. You cannot look at any part of creation and not feel a sense of awe at the intricacy of His handiwork. Pick up a leaf, examine the bark of a tree, smell the aroma of the flowers. All of it speaks to the glory of our God. As Jesus said, if we as His people refuse to praise Him, even the rocks will cry out and declare His majesty (Luke 19:36-40). It’s what we see all around us every day.
Everywhere we look, we see the majesty of God, but we must take the time to notice the beauty surrounding us. God created a world designed to remind us of His power, creativity, and endless imagination. The world we live in should point us to the One who created it and us. If we can’t see God in His creation, I doubt we will ever see Him at all. If you ever doubt His existence, simply look out your window and know that He is indeed always present, holding all things together (Colossians 1:15-17).
Don’t take the beauty of creation for granted. It is one of God’s countless and immeasurable gifts to us. Let it remind you every day of the One who designed it all and brought it all to be. With everything else going on in the world and the daily pressures of life, rest in knowing the God who created all this lives inside of you. There is nothing He can’t handle. There is no problem beyond His imagination to solve. He cares about the tiniest trouble in each of our lives, all while preserving and maintaining the balance of all creation. What an awesome, powerful, and mighty God. Who are we that He should take notice of us? And yet, He does. Rest in that knowledge today.