The faithfulness of God is our comfort, strength, protection, and foundational to our trust in Him. He does not fail. God never breaks a promise, and He never leaves us on our own (Deuteronomy 31:6). If God were not faithful, there would be no reason to follow Him. Every person in life will eventually let you down. Every source of security in this life will fail.
Money can be lost as quickly as it was gained. Security can be shattered in an instant. People and circumstances change, but God never does. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). The faithfulness of God will sustain you through your darkest hours and cause you to experience overflowing joy when you are walking in His ways.
Psalm 103 expounds on the faithfulness of God and details many of His incredible attributes. In verse 4 of the psalm, we read God crowns us with faithful love and mercy as He saves us from Hell. Without Him, Hell would be our destiny. But because of His faithfulness, He lifts us from those depths and sets us high above all the hopelessness, pain, and destruction we deserve. Instead of descending to the lowest depths, He raises us to the highest heights to spend eternity with Him.
The Lord is rich in faithful love (Psalm 103:8). His love will never run out. God has so much love that He can pour it out for all eternity and still never run dry. He has an inexhaustible supply and is generous in lavishing His love on us. If you ever feel alone and unloved, remember God loves you more than you could ever imagine. You are never alone. He is always with you. He loves you no matter what you’ve done. We know this because Psalm 103:12 tells us God forgives our failures and hurls them away as far as the east is from the west! It’s as if we never sinned at all because God eradicates our transgressions from existence (see also 1 John 1:9 and 1 John 2:1-2)!
God has loved us since before the beginning of time and will love us after time is no more (Psalm 103:17-18). We can’t escape His love. He never ceases His pursuit of us. We often think we are seeking God, but it is Him who is pursuing us. How incredible is that?
The faithfulness of God does not fail. He cannot be defeated, and He cannot be dissuaded from His love for you. He offers all His love, all His power, and all His faithfulness to you for free. We don’t deserve it and we never will. Nevertheless, He reaches out His hand and offers it to us. We only have to humble ourselves and accept what He freely gives. That should make your knees go weak. He gives what we don’t deserve to rescue us from what we cannot avoid. There is no life outside of Christ. We have no hope if not for His mercy and grace. There is nothing that compares to the faithfulness of God.