Rarely does a day go by where I don’t come across some so-called prophet proclaiming a fresh word or vision from God. It’s always something new, and never something from scripture. Brothers and sisters, we don’t need something fresh or new. We have the eternal Word of God revealed in the pages of scripture and manifested in our lives by the Holy Spirit. God’s Word is complete and sufficient. It does not need an update.
If you are looking for something fresh, you are looking for something other than Jesus. His Word is eternal. It does not change. It is not evolving. What God has said, He will do. If you want some divine revelation, then open your Bible and read. Revelation is found between the covers of God’s Word, not on some random YouTube channel.
So many are being led astray by the “teachers” and influencers on social media and in many pulpits today. This is not a surprise, as Jesus warned many false teachers would come on the scene in the last days (Matthew 24:11). The fact so many so-called Christians are being sucked into their lies is a sad commentary on how well churches have been preparing followers of Christ over the past several decades. The church at large got away from the plain teachings of the Bible in its efforts to grow its attendance and power. This has resulted in a generation of weak and ineffectual believers who have no grounding and no understanding of what it truly means to follow Christ.
Without a foundation, it’s no wonder so many are taken in by the charlatans of our day. When times are tough, people seek comfort wherever they can find it. Well, anywhere except God’s Word, apparently. When tragedy strikes, weak Christians turn to men for help and security. In contrast, true disciples of Jesus are not swayed by what’s going on around us. We’ve read the book and understand the times. There is no need for the true believer to pursue those things that will tickle their itching ears (2 Timothy 4:3-4). We have Jesus and need nothing else.
When the book of Revelation was coming to a close, Jesus said no one should add anything to His prophecy (Revelation 22:18-19). Every time one of these “prophets” proclaims a new revelation, they are disobeying God by adding to the Word of God. They are ignoring what the Lord Himself instructed. Don’t be a partner in their deception. Only Jesus has the Words of life (John 6:66-68; John 14:6). Only He is true.
When the Israelites entered the promised land, God warned them not to worship the gods of the land or adopt the culture of the inhabitants of the land. They got it wrong then, and we continue their mistakes and disobedience today. We cling to what this world offers and put our hope in people rather than God. If you need some hope or encouragement in difficult times, read God’s Word. When you are fearful and overwhelmed, read God’s Word. Only God knows the future, and only He is in control. Trust Him in all things. He loves you and will deliver those who love and stand with Him until the end. You don’t need a fresh word or new revelation. You only need Jesus.