Every day it becomes more urgent to devote our lives to God and to prove our love for Him by the way we live. We don’t work to prove our love to God, but we live in obedience to His commands as proof of our love for God (John 14:15). If we love Him, our lives will reflect that fact and will not look like the lives of those who oppose God.
Everything we experience in life will have either an eternal or temporal value. Jesus teaches we should focus on the eternal things that do not rust, rot, or decay (Matthew 6:19-21). Meanwhile, we live our lives seeking and consuming the temporal things that never last and leave us feeling emptier than we felt before indulging in them.
We should do everything we do in view of eternity. Before we speak, act, or do anything, we should ask, “Does this have eternal or temporal value?” If what we’re about to say or do is only for temporary satisfaction or pleasure, it’s not worth doing. I firmly believe we’ve run out of time to waste on those activities. In the spiritual sense, the days are growing darker and shorter. I believe almost every true follower of Christ alive today is going to meet the Lord sooner than they expect. Are we ready?
God’s Word tells us that everyone who declares Jesus as Lord will turn away from sin (2 Timothy 2:19). We won’t continue to dwell in it, love it, or live it. If we love God, and I mean really love Him, our lives will change. It won’t be easy and He won’t magically do it for us. It will take a lot of discipline and a lot of choosing what is of eternal value and casting aside all the temporary pleasures of our culture. We cannot claim we love Him while continuing to love the things of this world (1 John 2:15).
The Lord gives us the power to escape from the sin and corruption of this world (2 Peter 1:3-4), but we must choose to accept the help He offers through His Holy Spirit. Jesus equips us for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17), and He equips us to abstain from our sinful lusts and desires (1 Peter 2:11). God has not left us helpless or alone (John 14:26). We must decide whether we will live for what is eternal or temporal. We must decide if we will choose light over darkness, life over death.
If we love Jesus, sin will become the exception rather than the rule in our lives (1 John 3:4-10). We will not neglect to spend time in prayer and studying His Word. If the love of Jesus fills our hearts, we will love others more than ourselves and keep ourselves unstained from the muck and filth of this vile world. Sin is not an option when we love Jesus. His sacrifice cost Him too much for us to live however we please. Our time on earth is drawing to a close. We all will face Him as either Savior or Judge. The choice is ours, but the time for choosing is now. Do you love Jesus?